Maleficent has always been one of my favorite baddies! QOTD: Who's favorite villain?
#grimdragon #acourtofstarlitharley #bluelovesbookishapril #watermelanerdsapril #maleficent #favoritevillain
Maleficent has always been one of my favorite baddies! QOTD: Who's favorite villain?
#grimdragon #acourtofstarlitharley #bluelovesbookishapril #watermelanerdsapril #maleficent #favoritevillain
It's Hogwarts House Appreciation day for #aaapril17 but I'm not gonna lie, my mind is otherwise occupied. I wasn't one of the lucky people who managed to get my hands on ACOWAR early, but I did find a sample with the first 8 chapters!!! .
#aprilglee17 #friendsforlife17 #acourtofstarlitharley #watermelanerdsapril #circleofbookishfriends #quoththeaprilbookchallenge #slytherinpride #hpchapteraday
"The world will be saved and remade by the dreamers."
Here's another book I'm dying to read, but it just keeps getting bumped ?
#aprilnovelgram Fantasy! #quoththeaprilbookchallenge Best Creatures #aprilglee17 #acourtofstarlitharley #bookishaprilapril #fanaticalbirdapril #strongasawomanapril17
"Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."
It's House Pride day for #acourtofstarlitharley & #dreambunnybookishapril
I got my Slytherine bracelet and bookmark from @elissajdesigns yesterday and I LOVE them!!! I'll post close ups of them later!
Candle Love #fangirlaprilchallenge Fave Bookish Squad #hpchapteraday
Still going strong with #hpchapteraday. Finishing up book 4 this week!
#grimdragon Fictional Sibling goals... Fred and George of course!
#frenchiefantasyapril Book and Pet, my cat only poses for my pictures when I DONT want her too, so Crookshanks is here instead
#ampersandapril17 #aprilbookstagram #happilyeverafterapril17 #acourtofstarlitharley #dreambunnybookishapril #quoththeaprilbookchallenge #bookishapril17 #bookishpotter17