I did it 😭😭😭😭😭 #readingchallenge #completed
I did it 😭😭😭😭😭 #readingchallenge #completed
Oh. My. Goodness. This was so good. And so beautiful. And so violent. And I loved every second reading it!!! I‘m so glad I have the second volume so I can go ahead and continue!!! #monstress
Oh my word, this was sooo good!! I am so shook that I am shooketh 😱😱😱
I love essays and I love Shadowhunters so of course I loved this book. What else can I say? #shadowhunters #downworlders #tmi #tid #cassandraclare #finished #completed
Y‘all, I think I‘m in love with Sherlock 😍 #sherlock #sherlockholmes #arthurconandoyle #finished #completed #husband
I‘m three chapters in and I‘m just like, “why are y‘all so mean to her??” 😭😭😭 #janeeyre #charlottebronte #savejane #currentlyreading
Man, I love these stories ❤️💕❤️💕 #sherlock #sherlockholmes #arthurconandoyle #finished #completed #yas #love
Ahh!!! Thank y‘all so much ❤️ I really do love this place and how positive and welcoming this bookish community is!! Y‘all keep being yalls awesome beautiful selves!! 😍❤️😘
I was digging the first half, but then the second half completely lost me. #nature #ralphwaldoemerson #completed #finished #meh
Oh, man, this one kept me guessing!! This was so good!!! ❤️❤️❤️ #sherlock #sherlockholmes #arthurconandoyle #finished #completed
YALL!!! ITS FINALLY IN MY HANDS!!! Guys, I am sooooo excited to finally have this book!! I can‘t wait to read it and it‘s gonna be wonderful and glorious and I‘m so freaking happy 😭😭😭😭 #theprioryoftheorangetree #samanthashannon #tbr #sohappy #soexcited
That was freaking hilarious 😆
#sherlock #sherlockholmes #arthurconandoyle #finished #completed
This was so good!!! Sci-fi is often a hit or miss for me, but I‘m so glad this was a hit!! And that ending!!! 😱 #scifi #finished #completed
This one was equal parts intriguing and hilarious! So good!! #sherlock #sherlockholmes #arthurconandoyle #doyle #finished #completed
This was good, but the ending fell flat for me. Not as enjoyable as the other ones I‘ve read thus far. #sherlock #sherlockholmes #arthurconandoyle #finished
Excellent setup for the final book. Can‘t wait for the finale!!
Y‘all!!! This volume was so good!!! I am LOVING the Marley arc so far and I‘m loving the direction that Eren‘s character is taking!
Book haul!! I got to stop in an actual bookstore for the first time in a very looooong time and it was wonderful 😭 Stocked up on some manga and fantasy reads and a couple of others too. So excited!!
Taking a break from The Archer‘s Tale to continue this one. I‘m hoping to finish it today or to at least come close ☺️
I‘ve been having a lot of duds lately so I decided to start reading this one because it sounds right up my alley. Hoping it‘s good cause I just want to read a good book already 😭😭😭
Unpopular opinion but I thought it was eh at best