I‘m a grumpy little princess today, but I have a delightful book, so my spirits will lift once I get to read. 🤷🏻♀️ #arogueofonesown #eviedunmore #aleagueofextraordinarywomen #womenssuffrage
I‘m a grumpy little princess today, but I have a delightful book, so my spirits will lift once I get to read. 🤷🏻♀️ #arogueofonesown #eviedunmore #aleagueofextraordinarywomen #womenssuffrage
Got leveled in the middle of the night by either mild food poisoning or a stomach bug, so I‘ve spent the day in bed reading. This series is pretty delightful. #portraitofascotsman #eviedunmore #aleagueofextraordinarywomen #womenssuffrage