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An unusual but very sad read.

In a matter-of-fact voice, we learn the minutiae of Kim Jiyoung‘s life, the constant, cumulative microagressions & inequalities she faces as a girl/woman in South Korea, and pressure/conflict she faces between doing what she needs to do to get by, & setting a precedent/good example for younger women.You never really feel that close to Jiyoung- I felt I knew her sister & team leader better than Jiyoung herself👇🏻

rockpools (not a criticism. Pretty sure this was intended). But I found the detail about life in Korea absolutely fascinating!

So really glad I read this - but also glad it was short! Thank you for the #NonBuddyRead @Cinfhen @squirrelbrain 🤗 - quite proud of myself for nearly keeping up!

Here goes: #Booked2021 #AuthorsFirstNameBeginsWithABC #ReadingAsia2021 #FourFoursin21 #Revolution (because this is a call for one!)
(edited) 4y
Lauredhel First #fourfoursin21 post! It does sound fascinating. 4y
rockpools On the writing style. When you‘d mentioned a twist, Helen, I kind of guessed. I‘ve done a lot of proofreading for a friend over the years, as she qualified (at various times) as a social worker, mental health nurse, & therapist. The writing REALLY reminded me of her essays/reports, which set me thinking.... 4y
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TrishB Great review 👍🏻 my thoughts were very similar. 4y
rockpools @Lauredhel Oh wow! That‘s very unexpected- I‘m usually the one scraping in seconds before the deadline 😂😂 Looking forward to seeing how other people adapt the prompts. 4y
Cinfhen Wonderful review, Rachel. I agree the detached voice works and the information about South Korea was educational and eye-opening. I‘m happy I read this one too♥️ 4y
rockpools @TrishB Thanks Trish! It really is time for some fluff now 😘 4y
BarbaraBB Wonderful review. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Great review! 4y
squirrelbrain Oops, sorry if I spoiled it slightly for you....😳 4y
rockpools @squirrelbrain You really didn‘t! I‘d already noticed how similar it felt to my friend‘s writing- it just wasn‘t too much of a shock when the perspective became clear. 4y
Librarybelle Excellent review! 4y
squirrelbrain Phew! Great review though - it sounds like you got more out of it than I did, with all of your research around the subject. 😘 4y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Haha! Good choice! 😘 4y
Cinfhen Wow!!! I‘m blown away and I see a bunch of your titles will work for #ReadingAsia2021 4y
Cinfhen Are u doing any other challenges?? 4y
KarenUK Loved This is going to hurt....It is really good 💕 4y
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