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Force of Nature
Force of Nature: by the author of the Sunday Times top ten bestseller, The Dry | Jane Harper
The gripping new novel from the author of the Sunday Times top ten bestseller, Waterstones Thriller of the Month, Sunday Times Crime Book of the Month, and Simon Mayo Radio 2 Book Club Choice, The Dry. FIVE WENT OUT. FOUR CAME BACK... Is Alice here? Did she make it? Is she safe? In the chaos, in the night, it was impossible to say which of the four had asked after Alice's welfare. Later, when everything got worse, each would insist it had been them. Five women reluctantly pick up their backpacks and start walking along the muddy track. Only four come out the other side. The hike through the rugged landscape is meant to take the office colleagues out of their air-conditioned comfort zone and teach resilience and team building. At least that is what the corporate retreat website advertises. Federal Police Agent Aaron Falk has a particularly keen interest in the whereabouts of the missing bushwalker. Alice Russell is the whistleblower in his latest case - and Alice knew secrets. About the company she worked for and the people she worked with. Far from the hike encouraging teamwork, the women tell Falk a tale of suspicion, violence and disintegrating trust. And as he delves into the disappearance, it seems some dangers may run far deeper than anyone knew.
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Tonight's movie viewing takes me to, wouldn't you know it, Australia

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This is book 2 in the Aaron Falk series, and even though it took me a little longer to get into than the first book, I really liked it 🙂

Have you ever been forced to go on a team-building work retreat?? Imagine going, getting lost, and losing a co-worker.

Falk and his partner are tasked with finding out what happened to unlikable Alice.

I do plan on reading book 3

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My text to my co-worker this morning

Ruthiella 😂👍 3mo
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#AuthorAMonth #JaneHarper @Soubhiville

This is the second book in the series. An excellent read about a woman who goes missing during a work adventure break in Australia. This book dues a good job of building tension as the book goes along, rather like peeling layers off an onion. Some good twists along the way.

#ReadAway2035 @DieAReader @Ghabi4Roses
#SpringBreakReadathon @ShananigansReads

ShananigansReads 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 4mo
Andrew65 @ShananigansReads Thanks 😊 4mo
DieAReader 🥳Great!! 4mo
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Ruthiella This is my favorite of the four Harper mysteries I‘ve read so far. I think it was the twisty plot I liked so much. 4mo
Andrew65 @Ruthiella Can definitely see why. 4mo
Bluebird I just finished this one and enjoyed it too. I loved the slow, steady build up to an exciting conclusion. 4mo
inthegreensandblues I just saw that a movie adaptation is coming out this spring. Looking forward to it since I thought the first one was done pretty well. 4mo
Andrew65 @inthegreensandblues Should be good, will need to keep an eye out for that. 4mo
Andrew65 @Bluebird Did a really good job of building up tension and pace. 4mo
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I finally got around to an #AuthorAMonth selection. I started the third in the Falk series and bailed because I realized I needed to read the second. It was a struggle. Not so much because Harper is a bad writer, but I just don‘t think it is a good mystery novel time for me. Low pick.

Falk and Carmen are investigating shady goings on at a financial firm when their key witness goes missing on a corporate retreat. 🕵🏼‍♂️

Cathythoughts I‘ve tried a couple of Jane Harpers , and I know she‘s a very popular writer here on Litsy and with my irl Bookclub.. but these books ( so far ) are not for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ Books.. quirky like people 😁 4mo
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Second in the Aaron Falk series, this time he‘s pulled into heavily forested land to find a missing woman, who he‘d “recruited” to help him uncover financial wrongdoings at the company where she works. The company planned the team-building retreat, but Alice doesn‘t make it back. Meanwhile, her young teenage daughter is undergoing her own trauma. The convoluted story finally all comes together to reveal a surprising ending. If I had any ⬇️

Texreader complaint, the rapid jumping back and forth between the retreat itself and the search for Alice gets a bit tedious. But it works! I will definitely read the next in the series and anything else this author writes. #Australia #readingOceania #authoramonth 4mo
Librarybelle Awesome!!! 4mo
BarbaraBB I enjoyed this too. So atmospheric! 4mo
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Read for #authoramonth. I liked enough to read the third in the series. @Soubhiville

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I finished The Dry a few days ago and just finished The Lost Man. So I‘ve picked this one as my next audiobook. #authoramonth @Soubhiville

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I‘m planning to read at least book 1 for #AuthorAMonth.

KadaGul @Read4life I have a copy of Dry. Im looking 👀 forward to reading it. February's Lauren Groff was not a genre I would read but i gave a chance 5mo
Jess I read The Dry last year so will probably continue with Force of Nature this month. I liked the first one so looking forward to seeing what Falk is up to now. 5mo
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I haven‘t read any Jane Harper but I went to see Force of Nature at the cinema and it was excellent ☺️ well worth the watch (especially to see such a talented Aussie cast) 5mo
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With alternating timelines that gradually move closer to one another until they meet, this one is structured quite similarly to The Dry. I found it confusing in a few spots, but that seemed intentional and felt satisfying when things became more clear. I'm going to take a break before reading the next in the series, but I do plan to revisit these characters.

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Trying to escape the relentless rain and flooding here from Storm Babet, I thought I‘d visit Australia and see how Aaron Falk was getting on. Only to discover he was stuck in the bush in a freezing rain storm. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Second book of three in this series and it doesn‘t disappoint. Harper writes so beautifully and effortlessly it puts me at ease at once and I‘m immersed in her stories. Onto book three next The Exiles.

jenniferw88 🤣 9mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻❤️ 9mo
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Series: Aaron Falk #2

Enjoying the settings of this series, the wildness matches the stories really well. The mystery is complex and interesting, and the characters are well drawn. Will definitely continue the series.

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Later, the four remaining women could fully agree on two things.



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Contrary to popular opinion, I think maybe I liked this one better than the first in the series. The plot, at least. I would‘ve enjoyed some further character development of Falk, but maybe that‘s coming in book #3. The ending was a little anti-climactic, but it did keep me guessing.

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Rereading the series has made me appreciate Aaron‘s grow as a person. The 1st time around, I was caught up in the story of the missing hiker, & trying to figure out who might have been involved in the disappearance. This time I focused on his new understanding of his relationship w/his deceased father. I loved his realization that sometimes people show love in ways we don‘t understand. I think the plot set him up perfectly for his end in Exiles.

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Sometimes I wish I could take a few coworkers into the woods and make them disappear 😉 Harpers sequel to The Dry was a pretty good read. A team building hiking retreat goes awry when Alice Russell, who is assisting detectives in the investigation of her company, goes mysteriously missing. Is is murder? Is she hiding? Guess you‘ll have to read it to find out!

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Except for it‘s hard to stay up late and read when you‘re feeling old and tired. 😂📚❤️

UwannaPublishme 😂📚🙌🏻 1y
Smrloomis That‘s me except at 8pm 1y
Karisa 💯% can relate to this post! 💗🤣💗🤣 1y
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CSeydel That‘s me, except at 2 am… I‘m an incorrigible night owl 1y
batsy Literally me last night at 1am 😂 1y
rwmg I have been known to do this but it throws my body clock off and I wake up early so I lose out both ways 1y
BooksCoffeeNurse @CSeydel I wish I was able to stay up late to read. 😭 @rwmg Yeah if I stay up late I‘m still getting up early, so it‘s a lose lose either way. Lol 1y
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This the 2nd novel in the Aaron Falk series. I decided to listen again as the narrator, Stephen Shanahan is phenomenal. Alternating viewpoints as Harper has us follow Falk as a financial crimes investigation turns into a missing person one and the ill-fated camping adventure from which his informant disappears. A little less suspense and a bit of a flat resolution. The mean girls motif didn‘t work for me. 3+⭐️s-with storyline pluses and minuses.

LaraReads Definitely not as good as The Dry to me! 1y
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #forceofnature #janeharper #bookbeast #bookjoy #bookchat #bookbuds
What are you reading? 😊

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I liked this one, though not quite as much as the 1st in the series. Something about the characters in this story didn‘t grab me as much as those in hometown Kiewarra in The Dry. But I‘m definitely enjoying my new obsession with Jane Harper! Can‘t wait for Exiles at the end of the month. #52bookclub23 #relatedtothewordmurder

BarbaraBB I felt the same about both books ands am looking forward to Exiles too. 2y
Cinfhen I hope the Exiles don‘t disappoint 💗 2y
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squirrelbrain I think that this was my ‘least favourite‘ of her books, not that I didn‘t love it still, but the others were even better! (edited) 2y
CarolynM I'm with @squirrelbrain This one is my least favourite. I didn't think the setting was as good and I had a bit of a problem with resolution. 2y
Librarybelle Can‘t wait to read the Exiles! 2y
LaraReads @CarolynM yes! Exactly this. The setting just wasn‘t a connection for me. And I was pretty ho-hum about the ending. 2y
LaraReads @squirrelbrain agreed! I just started The Lost Man. It‘s not the same series, but I‘m liking it a lot so far! 2y
LaraReads @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle less than 2 weeks! And I don‘t think it will @Cinfhen it looks really good! 2y
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Book 22

I listened to Force of Nature, a detective mystery novel. As in Harper's other books, the Australian outdoors are a well-written, quintessential part of the plot. It was a surprise conclusion that wasn't revealed until the very end. Good, but not her best. 3.5 stars

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Aaron Falk and his partner Carmen are investigating potential money laundering at BaileyTennants.

A group of 5 men and a group of 5 women from BaileyTennants, including Falk‘s contact at the company are out in the Giralang ranges on a team building exercise. But on the day the groups are due at the meeting point, the girls are late, and when they appear, only 4 are there. Where is Alice?


PuddleJumper Awesome! 2y
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#LittenListen @aperfectmjk

I read Harper's first book several years ago and enjoyed it. I thought it was finally time to try another.

This was a well-paced mystery that I liked more than this author's debut novel. Nothing too profound, just a great story with interesting characters.

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This novel features Aaron Falk of The Dry, as he and his partner Carmen investigate the disappearance of a confidential informant during a corporate retreat in the Australian bushlands. Shifting perspectives and flashbacks made this a tense, twisty ride and kept me guessing right until the end.

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Sequel to The Dry-Falk is investigating a case in an important business firm. One of the collaborators in the investigation is participating in a team building camp coordinated by the firm under investigation. She got missing in the camp. That day, Falk received a cell voicemail with bad reception and he could only understood the phrase “hurt her”. Is her disappearance connected with the investigation? I didn‘t see the twists coming. 3.9/4⭐️

Gissy A slow pace reading but in a good way. I enjoyed these detective stories and I hope there will be another book about Aaron Falk. I received an email from BBC Radio Network indicating that they will use some of my questions during the interview with the author. I don‘t know if that is correct I hope so but the program will be this Wednesday at 10:30 London time. 3y
TheAromaofBooks I really am hoping for another Falk story as well!!! I like him as a character a lot. That would be super fun if they use your questions!! 3y
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mabell That‘s cool!! I hope they do ask your questions! 3y
Gissy @mabell I hope! They want me to participate but I‘m a little paranoid to give my phone number to a company I don‘t know😳
So how are you?🤗
mabell Doing ok - how are you?? Are you getting pretty settled into your condo now? 😄 3y
Gissy @mabell Believe it or not, not yet. There are still things to do. Sometimes I‘m the medical appointments Uber for some family members☺️So that takes you time because you are out for a couple of hours. Let‘s see what I can finish during the summer. I‘m planning to stay at home this weekend to do some things around🤞 3y
mabell I hope you were able to get done what you wanted to this weekend! There is only so much time, and it seems to go so quickly! We‘ve lived in our house for 8 years and still haven‘t fully settled in! 3y
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kremi One of my favorite writers! 3y
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2nd in the Aaron Falk series finds the detective returned to his role in financial investigations in Melbourne after the heat and bush fires of his childhood home. In this story a team building trip into the wet and cold wilderness finds a group of 5 women returning with one of them lost. Using alternating chapters of the investigation and the events that occurred this was a real page turner which I enjoyed a lot.

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This would have been read in March if I'd started it earlier. I ended up skipping most of the chapters focusing on the women on the course, I just read the investigation chapters.

4 🌟

#booked2021 #winter #setinaustralia @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
#litsyatoz #abcedaraiantbr @BookishMarginalia
#freespace #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks
#greencover #readingwithmaja @maich

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
maich 👏👏 3y
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#Booked2021 #kWinter

Set in Australia: Force of Nature
SF Written by a Woman: The Fifth Season
Baked Goods on the Cover: On Thin Icing
Covid Hereos: A Death Struck Year
Mustache on the Cover: Freddie Mercury ALife, In His Own Words
Authors First Name Begins with A, B, or C: The Bookwanderers by Anna James

Form is completed. Really enjoyed this challenge and am all set for Spring!

Cinfhen Woohoo!!! Well done 🥳💕🙌🏻 3y
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I thought this second effort by Harper was even better than her debut. It‘s a mystery about a hike that goes wrong. 😨

#LitsySpringBreak Hike

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#BookspinBingo. Ready for March Bookspin. The 2nd day of the month is always one of my favorite days!

Tattooedteacher I agree. Love the 2nd of the month. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looks great!! 3y
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Brilliant read! Follows on from The Dry! Really enjoy this author's work! I'm reading The Lost Man next! I'm trying to read slowly so I don't run out of her books to read!

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I like The Dry better but I thought this was a worthy follow up. Good mystery that had me guessing till the end. Jane Harper‘s very good at setting up the atmosphere. With The Dry, you can almost feel the heat in the air. Here it‘s the damp and cold. Nicely done.

#Booked2021 #SetInAustralia

Cinfhen Agreed!!! Her settings almost become another character 4y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 4y
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This is the second book in The Dry series. I really enjoyed federal agent Aaron Falk and hope that the series continues 💖 I loved both books so much and was really able to jump into them! I'm a sucker for a good mystery and was pleasantly surprised by both endings! I'm definitely going to look into other books written by Jane Harper. 😁

Amazing series, thanks @LapReader for helping me find it through #newyearwhodis 📚😁 @monalyisha

MallenNC I like her too! I was initially disappointed that The Lost Man wasn‘t part of the series but I ended up really liking it. I‘m excited for her new book too. 4y
michellelav @MallenNC I'm going to add that one to my list! 😊 I saw she had a new book coming out. I can't wait 🎉 4y
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1. I‘m not very crafty but did ceramics and made this ring dish in 1970.

2. I‘m thankful today for my family and friends.

eeclayton I don't know what's with the tagging today. Usually when I start to type a name, I get suggestions, but today nothing came up. I typed the names from memory and hoped for the best! 4y
EadieB @eeclayton Hopefully they will fix it soon. 4y
Cosmos_Moon Wow, that is very cool! 4y
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EadieB @Cosmos_Moon Thanks! I guess it‘s an antique by now! Just like me! lol 4y
Cosmos_Moon Lol... technically a collectible 🥰 antiques are 100 years old, unless they‘re cars. I think collectibles are 50+. 4y
EadieB @Cosmos_Moon That‘s good! I‘d rather be considered a collectible instead of an antique! 4y
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Although generally speaking, this is not my go-to genre, it was a very compelling read and I found myself making time to sit down with it when I normally would have done other things. Well worth the time spent! I particularly liked the jumps between recent past and present, and that multiple viewpoints were explored. Zero spoilers or details - just read it 🙂

BooksCoffeeNurse @CuriousG You convinced me. I just ordered The Dry and this one off Amazon. 🤣 4y
CuriousG @BooksCoffeeNurse Hope you like them! This one has convinced me to read more Jane Harper. Still not going to be my go-to genre, but I definitely want more of it in my reading life. Was great for when I was on the stationary bike - was wrapped up in the story and didn't realize how long I had been going. Always a good sign 🙂 4y
BooksCoffeeNurse @CuriousG Yes, that‘s a very good sign! ☺️ This is one of my favorite genres. Also, I ordered her newest book from Book of the Month. 4y
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Sneaking in 5 minutes of reading on my lunch break. There are at least some benefits of working virtually during a lockdown 🤷‍♀️

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Diving into this one tonight. Never read Jane Harper before but heard on Book Riot that this is a good one, so hoping Jeff was right!

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My reading life settled into a groove in May, and I especially enjoyed this book from Jane Harper about a work retreat gone horribly wrong. Her next one comes out here in February, and I‘ve already put it on hold from Libby.

May was also when I started rereading Lord of the Rings with some friends on Facebook.

Honorable Mention to Pale Rider, a thorough discussion of the Spanish Flu, which I found oddly comforting.

#12booksof2020 #day5

Andrew65 A good author. 4y
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This is the second of Jane Harper‘s books that I have read. Actually, listened to. The narration is good and the story keeps up at a good clip. I really enjoyed the characters as well, it‘s a mystery story involving a work retreat gone wrong. The Aussie accent of the narrator doesn‘t hurt either!

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Someone is telling me I should stop reading and pay attention to her instead... 😹 Happy #caturday!! This is turning out to be an excellent read so far. 👌

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BarbaraTheBibliophage Haha! Good choice! 😘 4y
Cinfhen Wow!!! I‘m blown away and I see a bunch of your titles will work for #ReadingAsia2021 4y
Cinfhen Are u doing any other challenges?? 4y
KarenUK Loved This is going to hurt....It is really good 💕 4y
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🎧 Takes a few chapters to get used to the past/present shifts but the narrator has such a nice accent you might not notice. The past story meets the current investigation to solve the mystery. There‘s more story & character development than police procedural but it‘s so engaging you won‘t mind.

The story starts with a work retreat. The women get lost on a hike. Their fight for survival: gripping & the ending was a bit of a surprise! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/8

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Another from my TBR. I really should read what I already have before buying more books #NotGonnaHappen


Eggs I can‘t wait to read this one ☝️. @EadieB used this book too! 4y
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SomedayAlmost Good one! Love her use of setting in all her books! 4y
Eggs I have this on hold @TheSpineView 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Ladygodiva7 Is this like the Sandra bullock movie?? 4y
TheSpineView @Ladygodiva7 Don't know... sorry. 🤷‍♀️ 4y
LeeRHarry @Ladygodiva7 no it isn‘t - it‘s a mystery set in the Australian bush 😊 4y
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All of Jane Harper‘s books give readers such a sense of place, and you can just feel the elements of the places she sets them in Australia. BTW, Force of Nature does not make me want to go on a wilderness retreat with my coworkers!


OriginalCyn620 I‘ve never read her! Which one do you like best? 4y
TheAromaofBooks Right?? And NONE of these made me want to visit Australia! 😂 @OriginalCyn620 - I haven't read The Lost Man yet, but the other two have the same MC, so I would read The Dry before Force of Nature. 4y
MallenNC @OriginalCyn620 They‘re all good, but as @TheAromaofBooks said The Dry comes before Force of Nature so I‘d read it. The Lost Man is standalone so you could read that one, because it is also very good. 4y
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Day 7 - #Force FallFinds
#ForceOfNature #JaneHarper

I read and enjoyed this book in 2018.

Ruthiella Good one! 4y
Eggs I‘ve had this stacked a long time!! Time to read it!! 4y
EadieB @Ruthiella Yes it‘s a good one and @Eggs will not be disappointed! 4y
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Like The Dry, this was a bit of a slow burn, but right around halfway, I was hooked! This is my #doublespin for July, @TheAromaofBooks 😁👏🏻

TheAromaofBooks I really enjoyed this one as well - Harper does such a fantastic job of making the setting feel like its own malevolent character (in The Dry, too). 4y
CBee @TheAromaofBooks oh yes, the setting is totally it‘s own character. This + The Dry made me realize I could definitely never survive in the Australian bushland 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks Right??? How to people live in Australia?? It honestly sounds terrifying to me! 😂 4y
CBee @TheAromaofBooks same! Like just let me live at the Australia Zoo with the Irwin family and I‘ll be fine. But don‘t send me out there to fend for myself 😂😂 4y
Trashcanman 👁👁 4y
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Jane Harper is excellent at atmosphere building in her books. From the dry, drought ridden land in The Dry to the cold, damp bushland in this one, I love how it pulls you into the story from the very beginning. I really enjoyed this one and am excited to read more from her! #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Yes! I think Harper does an amazing job making the location of the story its own character! 4y
CBee This is my #doublespin too! Just started it 😁 4y
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My sweet Lucy girl is here for wine time story time. 😻 Started my #DoubleSpin book tonight. I really enjoyed The Dry, so I‘m excited to check back in with Aaron Falk. #catsoflitsy

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 4y
MallenNC I love Jane Harper. Cute kitty! 4y
Leftcoastzen Awwww sweet Lucy !😻 4y
emz711 Omg look at that cat! 4y
Bette 🐱❤️ 4y
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