New Claire G Coleman hot off the presses and in my house! #blakbooks #australianwomenwriters #sf #dystopian
LittlePixels Ooh, this looks right up my alley! Stacked. 3y
Lauredhel @LittlePixels 🖤❤️💛 3y
LittlePixels I‘d love to get this in paperback, but it‘s sooo expensive! I‘ve never heard of the author before, but her previous book looks interesting too. Unfortunately it isn‘t available in the US. Why aren‘t Aussie authors promoted more in the US?? 3y
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Lauredhel @LittlePixels Terra Nullius had a US release so maybe this will too? $25 is not expensive for a paper book in Australia. Our books cost a LOT. 3y
LittlePixels @Lauredhel Good point. I did notice when I was over there (of course I had to bring back about a dozen books! 😄) that they‘re pretty expensive. Can you recommend any other good Aussie authors? 3y
MrsMalaprop I have this waiting patiently on my bedside table. Love Claire G Coleman‘s work ❤️. 3y
mspixieears so behind on Coleman‘s work but so glad there‘s more work to read! 3y
Lauredhel @LittlePixels SO MANY especially in the YA area in which Australians IMO lead the world. Can I get some genre guidance? Other good places to look are the Australian Women Writers Challenge and Anita Heiss's Black Books Challenge 3y
LittlePixels @Lauredhel I‘ve read everything Bryce Courtenay ever wrote (OMG the Australian Trilogy! 😍). I also picked up several best-seller-type books, but I didn‘t know what else to look for. Genres: literary fiction, speculative fiction, dystopic/apocalyptic fiction… 3y
CarolynM @LittlePixels Some of us use the tag #ozfiction when posting about books by Australian authors. 3y
Lauredhel @LittlePixels ok that leaves it fairly wide open, there's a pile of that. For very Australian flavour i would start with all Claire Coleman's books and also Mullumbimby by Melissa Lucashenko. I know you didn't say YA but Vikki Wakefield is incredible and with crossover appeal. Clade by James Bradley (check out some of his other his other books), the Tribe series by Ambelin Kwaymullina, and Catching Teller Crow (The Things She's Seen). More >> 3y
Lauredhel ... On The Beach, all of the Twelve Planets series (short spec fic collections by Australian women SFF & horror writers), The Courier's New Bicycle, Defying Doomsday and Rebuilding Tomorrow, Lotus Blue, The Natural Way of Things, A Wrong Turn at the Office of Unmade Lists, Garth Nix, Tansy Rayner Roberts... 3y
Lauredhel @LittlePixels Alexis Wright, Greg Egan, Margo Lanagan, Lucy Sussex, Kaaron Warren, Sean Williams, Deborah Biancotti, Angela Slatter, Thoraiya Dyer, Year of the Orphan, Trucksong, Daniel O'Malley, Marianne de Pierres, Sara Douglass (don't know how well it's aged but I loved it at the time), the Zeroes series 3y
Lauredhel @LittlePixels I'm much sketchier on lit fic; much of it is not my jam especially when written by dudes (eg I kinda hated Boy Swallows Universe, which got a lot of buzz). Michelle de Kretser and Tara Winch are on my list, might be worth a look. Do you do mystery/crime? Jane Harper, Candice Fox, Emma Viskic, Sarah Bailey, Kim Scott. 3y
LittlePixels @CarolynM Thanks, I‘ll check it out! 3y
LittlePixels @Lauredhel OMG, so much for me to look into! Thanks so much! 💖 3y
Lauredhel @LittlePixels I had more but thought maybe that was enough to start! 3y