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I‘m with Lyra. I‘m thinking Dust isn‘t the big deal they‘re making of it. Just like this book isn‘t the big deal this world‘s Christian church is making of it. In fact, I think their objections to the book speak volumes about their own beliefs and behaviours and speak very little about this book (mostly because they clearly haven‘t read it).
#PhilipPullman #HisDarkMaterials #TheGoldenCompass #Dust #blindfaith

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This is so true it‘s not even funny. I feel like I‘m surrounded by people who think they have all the answers (because they‘re all in the bible 🙄) and I think, have you ever questioned that, thought critically about what you‘re saying? Blind faith is useless.
#neildegrassetyson #astrophysicsforpeopleinahurry #ignorance #theuniverse #blindfaith

GingerAntics This genuinely makes me think of the debate between Bill Nye and a creationist. When asked what would make them change their stance, Bill said “a single shred of evidence” while the creationist said “nothing.” Now if you really believe in god, the answer should be “god comes and tells me himself that I‘m wrong.” If you‘re genuinely after the truth, the answer can never, ever be “nothing.” 6y
Weaponxgirl I always think that if you stop being curious about the world and things you don‘t know or understand then you have stopped growing as a person. Those people are so stunted 6y
GingerAntics @Weaponxgirl I completely agree. I spent so much time wanting to be accepted by these people and they always wanted me to stop asking questions, but why? What were they so afraid I would discover? That they were wrong? 6y
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