I'd almost forgotten about the second book sleeve I'd ordered (it took a little while to get here from Australia), but I LOVE IT SO MUCH! There's a velcro strap at the top and the fabric is gorgeous 😍
#booksleeve #bookbud
I'd almost forgotten about the second book sleeve I'd ordered (it took a little while to get here from Australia), but I LOVE IT SO MUCH! There's a velcro strap at the top and the fabric is gorgeous 😍
#booksleeve #bookbud
My favorite book sleeve ive owned its so gorgeous and so me!! Check out @GabrielLea.author for more desgins and use my code: melsbud10!! #bookworm #booksleeve #booknerd #bookphoto #bookbud #read #alwaysandforeverlarajean
My galexy book bud that i am in love with!! You guys can find this bookbud and so many other beautiful designs on bookbuds etsy and dont forget to use my code: melsbud10
Whats your favorite fabric for book sleeves?!?! #bookstagram #bookish #bookdork #bookworm #booklover #bibliophile #booksandflowers #alexandrabracken #wayfarer #booksleeves #galexy #galexyprint #bookbud #bookbudbygabriellea #purple #yabooks #booknerd #bookphoto