Currently reading this beauty and I'm loving it!! I can't wait to find out what happens next! #abovethestar #alexismariechute
Currently reading this beauty and I'm loving it!! I can't wait to find out what happens next! #abovethestar #alexismariechute
Currently reading #CharlottesWeb by #EBWhite with my kids for the first time and they are loving it!!
#littlecrowcandles #enchantedbookmarks
This book was so amazing! I highly recommend it!! #theshack #wmpaulyoung #littlecrowcandles
I love this #nightcourt candle from #fattykatzeboutique scent is #appleblossoms and #nightair definitely a favorite of mine!! #acourtofwingsandruin #sarahjmaas
#kasiewest is one of my favorite authors!! I've read #psilikeyou #onthefence #byyourside and #thefillinboyfriend I recently was gifted #thedistancebetweenus from a #bookstafriend and I can't wait to read it!! Do y'all like Kasie West? Which book is your favorite?
All you need is a little faith, trust and a little pixie dust 💖💖 #enchantedbookmarks #tinkerbell #littlecrowcandles #bookishcandles
I'm a little halfway through reading this and I'm really enjoying it so far!! Have y'all read this one yet?
This gorgeous #Lorelaiandpaulanka #bookmark from #enchantedbookmarks is one of my favorites!! I'm a huge #gilmoregirls fan!!
#somedaysomedaymaybe #laurengraham #starshollow #flickthewick #bookishcandle
Loving this #gameofthrones inspired soap from #elevencocoavenue scent is #dragonsblood 😍
Love this cover!!! Have you read it yet? Did you like it?
Loving this necklace my sister surprised me with and super excited to read this gorgeous book!!
Book sleeve by @livethecozylife (« instagram) 💖💖
#comicbookathon day 6!!
#comicbookathon day 3!! Super excited to get back into this story!! I'm planning on bestie reading #sagavol3 & #sagavol4 with @everyday_reader
What was your first read of 2018?
#sagavol1 #sagavol2 #briankvaughan #fionastaples #graphicnovels
Day 2 of #comicbookathon
Super excited to read this one!!
Have y'all read it yet? Was it a yay or nay?
#low #graphicnovel #remender #tocchini
#comicbookathon is finally here!!! So of course I'll be posting about graphic novels the next few days lol
Have you read either one of these? Did you like them?
#PercyJackson #thelightningthief #theseaofmonsters #rickriordan #littlecrowcandles
Reading this beauty for the #littlelibraryreadathon today!!
Of course the gorgeous cozy is from @livethecozylife 💖💖
Are y'all participating in any readathons this month?
#somedaysomedaymaybe #laurengraham #bookcozy #livethecozylife #thecozylife #readathon
Hey guys join my bestie @everyday_reader and I on instagram for the readathon we're hosting #comicbookathon
The seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Last day!! Day 7 #zodiac #wanderingstar by #rominarussell
The seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Day 6 #theseshallowgraves by #jenniferdonnelly
The seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Day 5 #threedarkcrowns by #kendareblake
The seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Day 4 #stalkingjacktheripper by #kerrimaniscalco
The seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Day 3 #illuminae by #amiekaufman
Bookmark by Dreamy and Co!!
The seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Day 2 #fromadistantstar by #karenmcquestion
I had so much fun with the seven days seven books I love challenge so I'm doing another! This week I'll be doing the seven days seven bookshelf anticipated reads challenge!
The challenge is to post seven books from your bookshelf that you are most excited to read for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you can't wait to read!
Day 1 #darkplaces by #gillianflynn
Love to my favorite book sleeve shop The Cozy Life!! And super excited to read this book I won in a giveaway!! #thecozylife #booksleeve #beingcaribou #karstenheuer
The seven days seven books challenge!! The challenge is to post seven books you love for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you love!
Last day!! Day 7 #thefaultinourstars by #johngreen
The seven days seven books challenge!! The challenge is to post seven books you love for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you love!
Day 6 #sagavol1 #sagavol2 by #briankvaughan #fionastaples
The seven days seven books challenge!! The challenge is to post seven books you love for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you love!
Day 5 #notadroptodrink #inahandfulofdust by #mindymcginnis
The seven days seven books challenge!! The challenge is to post seven books you love for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you love!
Day 4 anything by #kasiewest #byyourside #psilikeyou #thefillinboyfriend #onthefence