I finished this last week. Definitely a pick. Very fluffy. Perfect escape reading. Moving on to the third book as soon as my hold comes in.
I finished this last week. Definitely a pick. Very fluffy. Perfect escape reading. Moving on to the third book as soon as my hold comes in.
Always enjoy Kevin Kwan's and the dramas of these Asian billionaires. (Even though I don't typically care for sopopera, reality dramas)
This was ok. I didn‘t like it as much as the first one. The rich people really do get on my nerves sometimes, and I‘m not a big shopper, so the shopping and descriptions and brand names, etc, don‘t do anything for me. (Once again), with so many characters, it took quite a while to figure out who everyone was and how they were all related (and I never did figure them all out). Cont in comments...
I liked this enough to read the conclusion of the series, but it wasn‘t quite as much fun as the first book, and I didn‘t particularly like the audio narrator.
This was a pretty solid sequel. I enjoyed getting to learn more about some of the characters from the first book, and the main character finally got the chance to stand up for herself. There were a few new characters introduced who didn‘t really add much to the story, though, and I tended to zone out a little during their chapters.
Book #13 of the year: “China Rich Girlfriend” by Kevin Kwan
I didn‘t like it as much as “Crazy Rich Asians” but still recommend giving it a read! This one focuses much more on Rachel‘s father and his family, including her brother‘s China Rich Girlfriend. Very entertaining and mostly lighthearted ❤️
Another day and more tea. 🍵🍵🍵
This book picks up a little bit after the first book, and brings you the whirlwind of what was left and a new problem the characters must face. A new family, old family, and drama ensured, it‘s the perfect amount of tea that you need to get through the day.
📩December 2021
I finished this book so quickly I was actually astonished!! 😂
Since I was already familiar with the characters, I only had to get the hang of it within a few pages and I couldn't stop.
Such a funny and light book :)
I forgot to post this back when everyone was doing their #worstof21 😂 good idea, though! The razzies are always fun. Some of these were mistakes to even start as I should have known they are not my speed. Oops!
I had so much fun reading this. It has just delicious drama that feels unbelievable. It's silly and so easy to get sucked into. I think I prefer it to the first book. It was exactly what I needed this past week!
My reading life has been all over the place lately, often in the form of following a scooting baby around the house with a borrowed ebook in hand. 😆 This series is fun. It‘s been nice to read some light fare lately (lots of YA) interspersed with the NYRB picks and psychology & spirituality books for my continuing education. Perhaps I‘ll post a review or contribute to a discussion again soon! Then again, maybe not… 🙃
On one hand, I enjoyed being a fly on the wall and spying on the type of people I will never personally get to know. And reading about the fashion, architecture, and art.
On the other hand, these people are jerks. There are only three characters that live in reality. I will read the third because I do like Nick, Rachel, and Astrid.
#SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView
#ReadingAsia - Singapore and China @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle
I have only read Trollope and The Piano Teacher from this list, but I am not trying to impress the 🤑🤑 wealthiest.
I read my #bookspin book for #bookspinbingo this month! I'm counting Crazy Rich Asians as my #popsugar “set in multiple countries,“ too, as there was lots of jetsetting. And exorbitant wealth. And opulent clothes/food/jets/bathrooms. And some abusive relationship drama. And very little story. No, not for me.
Another fun book in this little trilogy. So much drama! I love other people‘s drama, and it has been a good escape from my own - living through two winter storms in the southern US back to back this week. We are not made for this much snow or below-freezing temperatures for this long! (Side note: The new narrator pronounced most Chinese cities‘ names correctly. 🎉) #Libby #audiobook
@MaleficentBookDragon Thank you so much for the extra extra #jolabokaflodswap ! I‘ve never read or seen Blade Runner, so I‘m totally going to give it a try. The chocolate looks great. Happy Holidays!!
Yay! My Libby hold came in! I have 2 hours left on my current audio I may just turn up the speed so I can get to this!
Still crazily rich and still richly crazy...
I liked the story even though I am not familiar with most brands the author named. Also, I got lost with the family branches that I have to go back many times.
I'm on the third book. :)
I like the world of crazy rich Asians, I think it‘s so fun! I think I liked the first book better though. And I‘ve read so many books that are similar to this one this year that I felt a little bored.
What I thought was a “crazy” & “glamorous” love story turned out to be a mystery book. I enjoyed reading as it was full of surprises. However, working my way through the second book of the series, Crazy Rich Asians, in a way reminds me of the show Tiger King: how it's so absurd and out of my world that it's a guilty pleasure of mine to continue reading them. Hence, you guessed my next read!
Another win for Kevin Kwan! These stories always make me laugh. Love the telling about what they are eating, buying, and translating.
I enjoyed reading this, but it veered into some weird territory at the end. It lacked a little of the charm of the first book.
(quarantine book 83, read a book by a PoC)
This was a fun read! At times, the descriptions of spending made me rather sick. But I got to like the characters and wanted to see what happened to them. It was nice relaxation to alleviate some stress.
I will never get close to a life like the ones in this book, and I‘m not sure I‘d want to, but I do love reading about them!
Enjoyed a book, some flowers and a sandwich outside on a sunny day
Second book in the trilogy. Rachel and Nick and the further adventures of people who have way too much money and far too little sense.
I would like to tell you what a great sequel this book was to the first book, “Crazy Rich Asians” which I believe is a masterpiece. But I cannot. I cannot get past chapter four. I‘ve tried three times and the book is just not good. It‘s as if Kwan tries to stun us again with the opulence that was displayed in book one. But this book repeats the opulence kick that it becomes nauseating. I had no feel for any of the characters. Sorry.
China Rich Girlfriend is the second novel in the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy and it was amazing. This story went in directions I never expected, and I was on the edge of my seat while reading. Kwan was able to connect almost every character introduced, each storyline being more complex then the next. I definitely liked this story better then the first one, and I can‘t wait to see what the third and final novel has in store 😍 9/10
1. Romance, comedy
2. The Princess Bride
3. This is us
4. Reading, crocheting
#fridayfun @wanderinglynn
💜 I've stayed positive by appreciating all the things I have and how blessed I am
🦄⚘I love the flowers coming up and the warmer days after a cool morning. I don't really have any rituals at the changing of the seasons.
🐳Today I feel accomplished, I feel like I got a lot done.
🍲 my husband made his famous chicken noodle soup.
1. Yes! Tons of books and ebooks. Like many others I am having a hard time concentrating.
2. Toilet paper, water, some food. I'm pretty well stocked but I could use a few things.
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
@TheSpineView thank .you for doing this, it is the friyay thing that's felt normal in a while. ❤
The thing I hate about books that bounce back and forth from character to character is you tend to spend a lot of time with characters you really don‘t like much. So the case here. When you want to hear more about Kitty you have to read about Colette. And about a million designer names and foods that just aren‘t that interesting. Although I do have to say I was surprised at the ending, so that was nice.
I can‘t just walk past the bookstore. Ya‘ feel me?🙄
Rating: 4/5 stars.
This was ridiculously wicked, snarky and funny. And I enjoyed this book. I would be very angry if I do not see the sequel of this movie. Lol. But yes, grab the book and indulge.
So I've been reading the 2nd Crazy Rich Asians book, and much like the first one, I don't recognize many things. I've never been to Singapore or Paris or Hong Kong, and I've never owned an Hermés handbag, but I FINALLY found a reference I know! Stowe, Vermont is a place I've actually stayed in! It is also only a short drive from where I attended college.
On to my next read. I enjoyed the first of this series a few months back and I'm excited to find out how things play out (and eventually see the movie).
#7days7covers #covercrush
7 days, 7 covers, no explanations.
Day 4: foiled paperback of China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan
@BlameJennyJane would you like to play?
I seriously hope that the original movie has a continuation with the second and third novel in this series! I loved the different perspectives with the different characters that Kwan incorporated into the novel - his use of tone distinctly sets each apart. Kwan expertly captures the trials and tribulations leading up to the marriage between Nicholas and Rachel, in a heart wrenching and on-the-edge-of-your-seat manner.