When my Harry Potter re-read hits almost exactly the same tone my #LOTRChapterADay section hit today. Trust your friends, you need them and do them a disservice by trying to exclude and protect them.
I love a good #BookCoincidence #Bookincidence
When my Harry Potter re-read hits almost exactly the same tone my #LOTRChapterADay section hit today. Trust your friends, you need them and do them a disservice by trying to exclude and protect them.
I love a good #BookCoincidence #Bookincidence
Odd book coincidence for today:
- Last night I left off reading Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Collins, the clergyman, is courting first one woman & then switching to another who is better suited to him.
- I picked up my audiobook today and it starts where Coretta first meets Mr. King, the minister, who quickly switches his attentions from the girl back home to the new one, and tells her outright she is much better suited to him.😉
Weird book coincidence: this book is talking about the Tuskegee airman and their Red-Tailed Mustang fighter planes, as well as early segregation in the military effort.
Earlier this month I read George Lucas: A Life, which includes where Lucas is trying to get the movie Red Tails made Independently and encountering obstacles.
I'm so glad the reviews and box office for this story have been better received so far!
#bookcoincidence #bookincidence