Finished studying for the day, time to dive into this book for tonight. I'm finding it good enough, but I really don't know any of these people lmao
#netgalley #booksaboutwriting
Finished studying for the day, time to dive into this book for tonight. I'm finding it good enough, but I really don't know any of these people lmao
#netgalley #booksaboutwriting
How to be a Writer by Ruskin Bond - A Book Review
RRKReads star rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
RRKReads sentiment rating: Buy grade
#bookreview #booksblr #books #reading #nonfiction #writing #authors #aspiringwriters #booksaboutwriting #ruskinbond #howtobeawriter
Did I already tell you that I'm somewhat of a junkie when it comes to books about writing? This is a good one - especially for memoirists. Occasionally Nestor's self-deprecating humor was like a fly buzzing around in the room....but it found its way out the window, eventually. #booksaboutwriting #inspirations #thecraftofwriting #memoirs #writingprocess #writing #writinganddrinking
Great little book that gives helpful advice if you're starting to think of writing a memoir. A couple things that really helped me--pick a theme and go with it (don't just tell your life story), write in an uncomfortable place--subject matter--and write for your audience, not yourself. Glad I read this!!! #booksaboutwriting
"But we don't move forward by perpetually starting over. Sometimes, we just have to wait. We have to feel the itch and resist the urge to scratch." (Page xvi). After being in a writing slump, I chose this book to accompany me thru NaNoWriMo 2016. #nanowrimo #onbeingstuck #laraineherring #writing #booksaboutwriting #inspirations
"A colon is sometimes preferable to a semicolon if the thrust of the sentence is forward: you are amplifying something, providing a definition or a list or an illustration. The semicolon sets up a different relationship; whatever follows relates in a more subtle way to what came before. A dash can perform either of these services, but it is looser, less formal."
#MaryNorris #betweenyouandme #confessionsofacommaqueen #books #booksaboutwriting