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Joined June 2022

LibraryThing member thereadingpal

Reader, writer, here to make bookish friends. Dean, 26, he/they, Italian thereadingpal on Storygraph
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One of my current reads. At work. (It's so dark because I'm in the archaeology section...)

I'm not feeling good at all emotionally, I feel like I'm completely cut out from community and when I try to bring it up I'm treated like crap. So I'm trying to distract myself with reading, but eh

Have you read this book?

slategreyskies I know that feeling. Sometimes in life, reading has been all that‘s kept me going. Hang in there. 🫂 3w
Eggbeater You're always welcome here. ❤️‍🩹 3w
thereadingpal @slategreyskies it used to be for me, and now that I'm back into reading ... I can see it being so again 3w
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It would actually be 2.8/5. This is a collection of short horror stories by various authors, some of which were a total miss while others were quite good.
I don't think there was a totally even level of storytelling capacity - some stories were really boring, and the execution wasn't... Well, good. Others were more gripping, and I think I'll check those authors out to see if they have published other things.

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Aaand at work, always at work.

I'm almost done with this short story book. I am not 100% convinced, but that's a given when you have collections of stories from different authors ...

What do you think?

Amor4Libros That always happens. I go into short collection stories by multiple authors with the mindset that I might not like all of them, and those that I do like I might look up some of their other work 🤗 3w
thereadingpal @Amor4Libros it's the beauty and ugh of it xD 3w
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On Monday I'm going in front of the Beit Din to officially become Jewish
I'm excited, scared, full of emotion.
Shabbat shalom to all my fellow Jews. I hope not to have a heart attack before going in front of the 3 rabbis judging me

Ladygodiva7 Good luck!! 1mo
PuddleJumper Good luck! 1mo
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The Amber Spyglass | Philip Pullman
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And here we go with the third!

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La nascita del libro | Henri-Jean Martin, Lucien Febvre, Armando Petrucci
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Always reading around...
Hopefully I can write two reviews for the #litsylove newsletter soon but I'm absolutely exhausted so who knows!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤞🤞🤞 2mo
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I'm finding it hard to study, but I'm trying nonetheless
Last exam.. c'mon...

BookmarkTavern Good luck! 🍀 2mo
Amor4Libros You‘re almost there, good luck!! 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You can do it!! 🙌🏻 2mo
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I'm absolutely loving this book

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Happy Wednesday!

Recent release
Physical books


Eggs 🩷💜🩷 4mo
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Okay it's Wednesday but whatever

1. The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman. Hopefully I'll finish it or read a good chunk
2. No I have too many books already that I'm behind on and since I'll move soonish... Makes no sense to do so



TheSpineView The Subtle Knife sounds interesting. I look forward to reading your review. 🤩📖📚 4mo
thereadingpal @TheSpineView I'm loving it. Reading it with a friend and we discussed it up to ch.7 and we have so many questions 4mo
TheSpineView @thereadingpal 👍🤩📖 4mo
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I decided to bring my Kindle to work so I could read in down times.
I'm reading this Italian horror short stories collection from various authors. Just finished the first story and I quite enjoyed it :)

Ladygodiva7 I read an hour a day with lunch and 2 breaks!! 4mo
thereadingpal @Ladygodiva7 i don't have breaks 😅 and I also go to university, I draw and write and I also need to rest my head + I am studying for conversion to Judaism so things just pile up... And I've not been able to read for over a year because I just had no brain power 4mo
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Readings | Sven Birkerts
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This book is not present here (I made a suggestion for it...) it's Pallide Streghe d'Autunno by Nicola Lombardi. A shorter, older version of the story has been published in English.
It's quite an interesting horror short story which recalls the movie Blaire Witch Project, and it kept me hooked - something not simple, as I'm finding it so hard to get back into reading as I used to! I really enjoyed Lombardi's style too. 5/5

The Subtle Knife | Philip Pullman
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Slowly, slooooowly getting back into reading
I'm halfway through Sublet Knife now! And it's getting quite exciting
I just wish I had more time and mental energy for reading...


The Subtle Knife | Philip Pullman
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Always traveling, always traveling...

Going at a friend's house to have Shabbat dinner with her. I'll sleep there and then tomorrow we'll go to services together
In the train, I try to do a bit of reading :)

AmyG Have a lovely Shabbat! Or as we say….good shabbos! 5mo
thereadingpal @AmyG Shabbat shalom, dear! 5mo
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The Subtle Knife | Philip Pullman
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Waiting at the dentist
What better way to spend the time?

AmyG Agree…but Ihate going to the dentist. 😬 Hope you have an easy visit. 6mo
thereadingpal @AmyG last time I had an old fixing fixed. This time it was teeth cleaning so it was pretty painless 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I had to go last week and I swear I left fingernail marks on the arm rests!! I hate the sounds!! 😫 6mo
thereadingpal @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks honestly same x.x they're too loud 6mo
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Trying to rest a bit by reading :) this is a re-read with my friend Alex. We first read the Golden Compass 🧭 and now we're onto the second book

#fantasy #reread

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1. Contemporary, I'd say. Or medieval
2. I finished The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman (a re-read!)
3. I'd say it's the books from the Wheel of Time series (which I need to finish AHAH)

Thanks to @Eggs for hosting!!!

Eggs Thanks for joining in! 6mo
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I just wanted to say to the #litsylove fam: I'm sorry I fell so behind with answering letters. Misty is aware I was (and am) having a rough time. Nevertheless, I am starting to write letters again, and will go to the post office in the next few days to send them off.
I'll first answer to the ones that sent me letters so far, and then will see of writing to people I've never interacted with in the exchange, so I can meet new peeps! 😊

ElizaMarie You aren't the only one. I am sure a lot of Litsy Peeps are behind (I am chronically behind). The wonderful thing about #LitsyLove is that there is no time limit or deadline. 6mo
Cuilin It happens to all of us. Don‘t worry 😉 as @ElizaMarie says there‘s no deadline. Do what you can when you can and have fun. 🥰 hope things get better for you soon. 6mo
thereadingpal @ElizaMarie thank you. It was like.. a lot of time. But I've stacked the letters and will answer them one by one. They kept me going during this rough path 6mo
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thereadingpal @Cuilin thank you! I hope things get better soon too. In the meanwhile, I started reading again, which is a positive note 6mo
dabbe I haven‘t written or received—yet. 🤩 With 150 or so people, it‘s a challenge, but a fun one. No worries! Hope 2024 is better for you! 😍 6mo
CaliforniaCay Go easy on yourself. I've been a part of this wonderful group for 5+ years. There are some people I only write to once or twice a year but they still write me back even though there are several months between my replies. Life gets busy, write when you can 🩵😇🩵 6mo
thereadingpal @dabbe it's a challenge, but a fun one! :D 6mo
thereadingpal @CaliforniaCay life gets busy indeed!!! I'm just sorry I went basically MIA xD 6mo
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La nascita del libro | Henri-Jean Martin, Lucien Febvre, Armando Petrucci
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Started reading/studying another book today, for an exam.
I had started it ages ago, then abandoned it, so here I am again.
This is a book about the "birth" of the Book

#booksaboutbooks #nonfiction

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I actually finished this book this morning xD sorry for the not to artistic photo. One day, I'll learn.
It's a nonfiction book about the history of Print and Books and how it all affected culture in Europe. I thought it was very well-written and interesting, and easy to understand. I also think that, despite the text being very short, it had s lot of information that helped contextualize the situation at that time.
#nonfiction #booksaboutbooks

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Sometimes one also gotta study...
I'm reading/studying a book on the history of Print and Books in Europe for my next uni exam. It's quite interesting

#nonfiction #booksaboutbooks

Dilara Good luck for your exam! 6mo
thereadingpal @Dilara thank you!!! 6mo
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This was a re-read for me, and the first book I finished after over a year of not reading. I'm glad I managed to do it.
I still love the story very much, I think Pullman did an amazing job. He's a great writer, and the characters are complex and interesting. It's truly a classic of #fantasy

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Untitled | Untitled
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Wanted to do it yesterday but didn't have the time
1. Participated in a fanfic bang and wrote my longest fic so far. I'm an active member of my Jewish youth group. I worked on my art skills. I help other fanfic writers on a server. I am still here.
2. Finish at least 2/3 of uni exams left & Finish 2 fics

Eggs Congratulations on the writing 👌🏼✍🏻👏🏻 9mo
thereadingpal @Eggs thank you!!! It was really hard but I got to 56608 words! And I'm gonna write a sequel 9mo
Eggs @thereadingpal Wonderful❣️ 9mo
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Update: I managed to read all of part 1! Starting part 2. Perhaps my reading slump is gone

#fantasy #rereading #currentlyreading

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Since I'm getting back into reading slowly, but many things have changed, I made a new Goodreads account. Hit me up if you wanna be friends https://www.goodreads.com/arthurgdean

Amor4Libros Sent you a friend request 🙂 6mo
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I'm aware I disappeared for months. Life got in the way, and so did depression. I haven't touched a book in a long ass while.
I decided to gently coax myself into reading again by re-reading one of my childhood faves: The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. I'm currently reading chapter 3

GondorGirl Welcome back! 9mo
thereadingpal @GondorGirl thank you!! 9mo
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Here's my #BookSpinBingo !
My #bookspin for December is Artic Nation, the second installment in the Blacksad series. My #doublespin is Di Metallo e di Stelle by Luca Tarenzi :)


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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To get back into reading, I am going to participate in the #WinterReadathon !!
My goal is just to get back into reading, really... ^^; I haven't finished anything in months.

@Andrew65 @GHABI$ROSES @DieAReader

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, hope this helps. 🎄🎅🎄🎅🎄 2y
DieAReader Glad to have you! Good luck🎄🤓📚♥️ 2y
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List is ready, and the squares are just waiting for the bingo!!!!
I hope to get back into reading this month :)

#bookspin #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Let's try to start reading again... Shall we?

How's everyone been doing in my absence?

Sleepswithbooks I was flipping through my Litsy feed half awake and for a moment I thought your thumb was a toe and I was so impressed you were reading by using your feet! 😂 I was like, “Litsy readers are so talented!” 2y
thereadingpal @Sleepswithbooks 😂😂😂😂 i wish! It would be very... Interesting 2y
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Just an update - I an alive. I will try to get back into reading in October... I am just having a hard time.
Meanwhile, I got two #litsylove letters (one arrived today!) I'm so happy to hear from you all 💚

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Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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PuddleJumper 1) I liked a lot of the characters, they just died 🤣 I found some of the secondary characters more interesting than Gideon 2y
PuddleJumper 2/3) I didn't mind the ending, I just didn't fully understand it. I did finish the book, it didn't make me want to read the rest of the series though 2y
BookwormAHN I haven't finished yet but so far I like Harrow even though she's a bitch 😸 2y
BookmarkTavern I really enjoyed this book! Gideon was my favorite, although I agree. Many of the secondary characters were worth their own stories! I don‘t know if I enjoyed the finale, but I did appreciate it. So excited for more in this series! 💜 2y
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Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir

I'm being literally so busy :/ it's not even funny.
Still reading Gideon. How's your reading going?

BookwormAHN Slowly but still reading. 2y
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Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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thereadingpal I must admit that I don't know if I like Gideon yet + as a person whose first language isn't English, I'm finding the writing a bit challenging. I don't know if it's the style or the language used, though. Maybe I should check if the library has a copy in Italian. 2y
AbigailJaneBlog My dissertation is due next week so I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I look forward to the next discussion!! 2y
PuddleJumper I stuck with this because the writing style was bizarre. The first part of the book was too slow for me, I was more interested in the intrigue aspect than Gideon 2y
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Kenyazero I actually bailed on this book recently, so I‘m excited to see what everyone else likes about it. I didn‘t like any of the characters (Gideon‘s alright), but thought the writing style was interesting (a little clunky sometimes though). I feel like on top of disliking the characters, I just couldn‘t get into the world, AND it took so long for the actual plot to start… 😵‍💫 2y
BookwormAHN I'm a bit behind since my library copy just came in. 2y
thereadingpal @BookwormAHN that's alright!! i'm a bit behind too 2y
BookwormAHN Presently I don't like any of the characters but the trials although vague are interesting. 2y
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Gideon the Ninth | Tamsyn Muir
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So, if I checked the comments correctly, we've come to this conclusion: we'll read Gideon the Ninth in August! Here are the dates!!

@PageShifter @PuddleJumper @ozma.of.oz @BkClubCare @MoonWitch94 @kaysworld1 @TheBookWitchON @Kenyazero @AbigailJaneBlog @Nutmegnc @BookwormAHN

BookmarkTavern I enjoyed this so much when I first read it! I can‘t wait to see everyone‘s thoughts! 🧡 2y
BookwormAHN I've been really wanting to read this 🖤 2y
BkClubCare Yay! 2y
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BkClubCare Plus, just sharing here, I have ZERO expectations nor understanding of whatever this might be about!! I bring ZERO knowledge and probably zero genre prior anything to it. Hoping this might be a good thing?! I am open to it 😃 2y
PuddleJumper I'm excited to see other people's thoughts on this! 2y
Kenyazero I‘m excited to see what everyone thinks of this book! I started it a few months ago and wound up bailing, which I don‘t do often 🤔 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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So, for August's pick, we kind of have a problem: two books (Gideon the Ninth and This is How you Lose the Time War) have the same votes. I'm asking you to decide between these two books. I also want to talk about the last thing someone wrote. I explicitly asked you to propose books if you didn't find any of your likings, and I'm doing this alone. Furthermore, half of those books are not YA and neither were the ones from last time.

thereadingpal It made me kind of sad to see that comment. I'd like for you all to decide the titles for next month's poll at this point 2y
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PageShifter I didn't vote for these ones on the first round (it seems I was the only one voting for The Red Files :D) but for this round I vote for this tagged book. 2y
Nutmegnc I must have missed that exchange but sorry people are being snarky. I vote Gideon. 2y
PuddleJumper But! I've read Gideon the Ninth so I can join in the book discussions because I have a lot of feelings 😅 2y
PageShifter @PuddleJumper HAHAH. I hope more positive than negative 🤣 2y
PuddleJumper @PageShifter Mostly confusion! 2y
AbigailJaneBlog I actually voted for time war last time, but I've been seeing a lot of Gideon discourse since then so I'm gonna vote for that one. Sorry someone hasn't been happy with the suggestions - I think there's been loads of great choice! 2y
BookwormAHN I also vote for Gideon the Ninth. I've been keeping track of all the proposed books so I can delve into some of the others later. 2y
rabbitprincess I‘m sorry someone felt the need to be rude instead of offering another choice ☹️ I look forward to seeing what book you end up picking! ♥️ 2y
BookmarkTavern I still vote for Time War, because I‘ve already read Gideon and loved it, but I would be delighted to participate in a discussion for Gideon anyway! ❤️ (edited) 2y
Gissy I still go for Gideon but someone already read it, so whatever book you choose is ok🤗 2y
Kenyazero The thought that real people don‘t read YA is 😂🫤 2y
BkClubCare Aw, I think I missed the vote, the discussion and still haven‘t gotten the first book from the library. I‘ll vote for Gideon if it is leaning that way anyway? But I am delighted to read the other one, too. Here to support! 2y
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Slowly getting back into the order of things!
This month, I already sent out two #litsylove letters - I have still one to answer to, but I'd love to know more members so I'll try to write more than that.
In July, I read absolutely nothing! I hope in August I'll read some books... Anyway, how's everyone?

BookwormAHN July kind of sucked for me. I got a few things read and I have an insane Litsy Love backlog and now covid. It's not a bad case but the exhaustion and coughing means I'm really not getting anything done right now. Feel free to write to me though. I do promise to eventually get back to you 😺 2y
thereadingpal @BookwormAHN I'm sorry to hear that!!! Yeah I had letters from June 😅 But I finally got to them and it's so fun to write to someone through paper... I really want to do it more, so I'll surely write to you :D. I hope you feel better soon 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks That‘s the great thing about our group!! No pressure and no worries if you get behind! We will still be he❤️❤️ @BookwormAHN 2y
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Read Between the Lines | Rachel Lacey
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I'm so sorry for the delay with this - I got really sick and had a fever, and I couldn't do much at all because everything hurt. Luckily, it wasn't Covid. Anyway, here's our last talk for “Read Between the Lines“ by Rachel Lacey. Tell us everything on your mind regarding this book

PageShifter This was a sweet story! The only thing I wondered was why there were so many details about clothes they were wearing but not about the dog?? It was little and brown but that's all we got to know about him! This dragged a bit at some point but overall entertaining. Drama at the end was a bit stupid bit I liked how things ended. 2y
PuddleJumper It was a sweet story. Not my kind of thing but still an okay read. I would have enjoyed it more if there was some actual tension that wasn't resolved quickly. 2y
AbigailJaneBlog It was a fun read, but definitely not a favourite. It's a shame because I think the story could have been really good, but it just dragged for me and didn't give enough attention to the things I felt should have had attention. 2y
BookmarkTavern I enjoyed it! It was very sweet and low stakes, which I appreciated. Romance is not something I usually pick up on my own, so I‘m glad to have taken this time to nudge out of my comfort zone! 2y
BookwormAHN @PageShifter I also wish there were more details about the dog. But overall I enjoyed it, definitely not my usual genre. 2y
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Read Between the Lines | Rachel Lacey

Unfortunately, the post for today's discussion will be made tomorrow.
I've been sick all day and I can't do much at all :(

PuddleJumper Take care of yourself! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh no! I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 2y
BookmarkTavern Your health comes first! Hope you feel better soon! 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Hello! Sorry I'm late, but this month is being terrible to me! Anyway, here's the form to pick the book we're going to read in August: https://forms.gle/5KoGrgZtkmmHkYBS6
As always, there is an “other“ option. If you choose that one, please comment with the book you'd like to read!


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Read Between the Lines | Rachel Lacey
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Hello! I'm sorry for the delay, but here's the first check-in for our #LGBTBookClub July pick, which was Read Between the Lines by Rachel Lacey. We had to read until chapter 13.
Here are the questions, but feel free to talk about anything else that caught your eye during your reading (tag your spoilers!!!)
Again, I am so sorry for being late, life got the best of me :)


AbigailJaneBlog 1. I think Lia is my favourite. She is a nice mix between practical and emotional, whereas I find the 2 main characters are too much either way. 2y
AbigailJaneBlog 2. I think the pacing of the story is okay, but I think the writing itself could be a lot tighter. There are sections and conversations that drag on just TOO LONG or are overly wordy. 2y
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AbigailJaneBlog 3. Okay I have read the end, but by the end of chapter 13 I was thinking that the whole lease thing would be a massive issue and cause loads of miscommunication and lead to them re-meeting later down the line once Rosie had found a new place. 2y
PageShifter 1. Well I actually like both main characters but to be honest I feel like all secondary characters feel a bit same. I mean there isn't that many differences in them // they aren't really fleshed out so it's hard to say if I like one of them more than another.

2. At least the last couple chapters has been a bit slowish and the story hasn't went forward really much. I am hoping more to happen soon.
PageShifter 3. I have actually finished the book but after chapter 13 I wasn't waiting for surprises and thought Jane would start working as a full-time author and Rose would find some solution for her store 2y
Nutmegnc @AbigailJaneBlog 2. I‘m with AJB on this. I think the story could have been just as effective without certain sections/convos. Some parts just didn‘t seem to advance the story or characters. 2y
Nutmegnc 1. I liked the two main characters but my fav was the dog 😬. Frankly, it‘s the same in real life, too. 2y
Nutmegnc 3. I have also finished the book so I won‘t comment on that…yet. 2y
AbigailJaneBlog @Nutmegnc the dog is also ideal, 10/10. 2y
BookwormAHN I also like the dog best. I also think it's progressing a little slow. I resisted the urge to finish it so far but I'm hoping for something that is not to predictable or depressing. I really like the book so far 💜 2y
PuddleJumper 01) Brinkley the dog because he has the most personality. I'm finding a lot of the characters too nice and very similar

02) The pacing is okay, a bit slow for my tastes and there is a lot of unnecessary dialogue

03) They live happily ever after with no conflict because conflict doesn't seem to exist in this book
BkClubCare I am still waiting for the book - YAY the library has it AND yea? Some one else is reading it 🤪 2y
PageShifter @Nutmegnc I also love dogs in stories but we never got information about it! It was brown and I assume small because it was also carried but else??! Felt so strange and lazy thing from the author 2y
Nutmegnc @PageShifter I mean…all these things are true 😬. Still prefer the dog 😜. 2y
PageShifter @Nutmegnc Hahaha, I can still get it 💞🐕 2y
BookmarkTavern All caught up! And I like Lia and Amy both. These side characters who love and support their/sister. I love that character type. Amy‘s support of Jane‘s writing and Lia‘s encouragement of Rosie are both so fun to read! It does feel slow to me, but romance isn‘t my usual genre, so that might be a genre thing? I hope this ends happily, but mainly I want to see Jane stand up for herself to her family. (edited) 2y
PageShifter @ozma.of.oz I don't think it's just genre, this just is a bit slow book 2y
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Untitled | Untitled

Hello, just a general update!!! I'm not dead, just been really really busy with exams 🙃 I'm still reading a lot of books. How's everyone? I'm just now finding the time to answer to the many people who sent me #litsylove letters.cim so grateful to all of you!!!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey!! I‘m behind too! ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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The Neverending Story | Michael Ende
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Here's my picks for @aperfectmjk 's #trappedonanisland challenge for the month of July! I hope you find something you like among these :D

aperfectmjk @thereadingpal thanks! I've placed several of them on hold with the library... I prefer audiobooks these days, so we'll see which one becomes available first. 2y
thereadingpal @aperfectmjk audiobooks aren't that widespread here, especially at the library. Hope you have fun! 2y
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Cavie | Chuck Palahniuk
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I made a new list for #bookspin July and these are my bookspin and #doublespin books.

I really hope to get them this month!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Good luck!! 2y
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The Book of Legends | Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Yehoshua H?na Rawnitzki, William Gordon Braude
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Sorry for the inactivity, I haven't been reading, just studying.
Anyway, happy July. As of this month, I'm joining the #roll100 challenge and these are the books that got the lucky draw!
Anyone else participating?


PuddleJumper Looks good! 2y
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Read Between the Lines | Rachel Lacey
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Thank you all for voting! The winner for the first #LGBTbookclub has been chosen with a slim win. We will read Red Between the Lines by Rachel Lacey.

We will discuss the first part of the book (till the end of chapter 13) on July 15. Then we will read till the end and discuss it on 31/07.

The form for August's pick will open on 20/07

PuddleJumper Looking forward to it! 2y
PageShifter Nice! Not the book that got my vote but this was one of them that I considered voting for 2y
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AbigailJaneBlog Yess already have this one 😍 2y
RaeLovesToRead I'm too behind on every one of my reading challenges to fully join, but I'll be keeping an eye on your picks too 👀💕 2y
Nutmegnc I‘m ready!! 2y
thereadingpal @PageShifter there's just so many interesting LGBT+ books to read xD 2y
thereadingpal @RaeLovesToRead i feel you!!! You're free to tag along whenever!!! 2y
thereadingpal @ozma.of.oz :D 2y
MoonWitch94 Sweet! Sounds good! 👏🏻 2y
Kenyazero Great pick! Looks like my library doesn‘t have this one, so I‘ll have to read it vicariously through everyone and lurk on the book chat. 2y
Nutmegnc @Kenyazero I found it on kindle unlimited. Do you do ebooks? 2y
Kenyazero @Nutmegnc I do! But I don‘t have Amazon Prime because it is expensive. 2y
Nutmegnc @Kenyazero Boo. 😢 I‘ve found a number of titles I was searching at the library and didn‘t have, were on kindle unlimited. I wonder if the library buyers check it before ordering them? And then don‘t if it‘s on unlimited? 2y
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Here's my #bookreport for last week and #weeklyforecast for this week. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish all four books 🙄 but I think it'll be hard.

I finished two books for an exam that was nullified after I took it because according to them some people cheated. I also finished and reviewed Since Sinai.

I'm reading La banalità del bene, L'amore nell'ebraismo, and True Biz. Will start A History of Herbalism soon


Cinfhen That‘s so frustrating about your exam!!! Have a good week 2y
rwmg How frustrating. Does it happen often in your country's education system? 2y
thereadingpal @Cinfhen thank you!!! You too! 2y
thereadingpal @rwmg it depends, really, on the school/uni i guess. The Government forced us to take these 24 extra credits if we wanted to teach, and the exams are really hard. A fellow student (a snitch, ugh) told the Exam Commission that questions were circulating from the previous exam session and they nullified the exam. I hadn't seen those questions. I studied 4 stupid books. It's highly unfair. 2y
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Yesterday i didn't read much...
So far for #20in4 I've read 3h36min. This readathon is going badly lol

Oh, well. I'm so tired all the time and stressed, It's no surprise


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m tired too all the time!! 2y
thereadingpal @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Fell you, I am so behind on my studies and other stuff, and I just am too tired to do everything x.x 2y
Andrew65 Every little helps and hope it is helping you to destress. 2y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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I won't be able to read any of the other books I put in my #bookspinbingo for June (and that includes my #bookspin and #doublespin) because I got arcs that have a priority for the month... I so hope July goes better :/
How is your bingo going?


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can‘t commit because I‘m a mood reader! I‘ll have a book planned next and then change my mind at the last minute 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great month!!! And you can complete your BookSpin & DoubleSpin books any time in 2022 and still get “credit“ for the giveaway!! 2y
thereadingpal @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks oh mood, but also this month is so full of ARCs, I don't even have time to breathe and choose a book myself XD 2y
thereadingpal @TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the info!! 2y
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Since Sinai | Shannon Gonyou
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Italian review on my blog: https://worldofinterestsblogger.wordpress.com/2022/06/25/libri-since-sinai-shann...
In Since Sinai, Shannon Gonyou exposes herself, telling us of her experience with Judaism and Conversion, as well as her past as a Catholic and her life before and after becoming a Jew. Shannon Gonyou converted with her husband Travis, on a complex but extremely fulfilling path.

thereadingpal (cont'd) I decided to ask for this book on Netgalley because I'm converting to Reform Judaism and I wanted to read another person's experience. Gonyou got closer to Conservative Judaism in the end, but it makes little difference. As she says herself, it's always Judaism. Obviously, this book is not a manual, nor will it portray everyone's experience with Judaism, but it was still really interesting.
thereadingpal (cont'd) There are truly many things I appreciated about this book, first of all, the honesty with which Gonyou talks about her life, from her conflictual relationship with her natural mother to the difficulty to conceive, from her life as a young Catholic - and her problems with Christianity - to her life as a Jew.
thereadingpal (con'd) Personally, I never found myself in Catholicism, so much that I became a Pagan for half my life and, now, my path brought me towards Judaism. My relationship with religion is extremely complex, and seeing someone else with the same problem who later found herself was comforting.
Judaism and Christianity are extremely different, and by reading this book you can understand it well.
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thereadingpal (cont'd) The author often compares the two religions, in the way of behaving and in the way they made her feel. I found myself agreeing on everything, even though I didn't have some direct experiences as she had. In the end, I wasn't as involved in religion as she was.
While reading this book, I couldn't help but compare Gonyou's experience with mine.
thereadingpal (cont'd) They're slightly different; I haven't started the classes yet because itìs not as fast as it was for her, but I found the same hospitality from the community and the same will to prove ourselves.
Furthermore, I really appreciated the chapter in which she explained her reasons and her push towards Judaism, with which I very much agreed.
thereadingpal (cont'd) Even though every convert's experience is different, there can be some common points that make us part of the same group.
The author also tells us about part of her experience with the Beit Din, which made me understand, partially, what I should expect if I ever get to that point.
thereadingpal (cont'd) I admit I really bonded with the author, just for her blunt honestly regarding her abortions, her eating disorder, and other extremely important themes for her and her family.
Also, the book is written in such a way you don't feel time passing, or so it was for me. One page led to another, I wanted to know more about the author and her life.
In short, I recommend this book.
AmyG Good luck on your journey. (edited) 2y
thereadingpal @AmyG thank you! 2y
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