3/3 - Last of the 3 books I‘m sharing that are books to own in print. House of Leaves. I think the photos of this intriguing book speak for themselves. I mean, look at the pages. Just look at them! ❤️ #bookstoowninprint
3/3 - Last of the 3 books I‘m sharing that are books to own in print. House of Leaves. I think the photos of this intriguing book speak for themselves. I mean, look at the pages. Just look at them! ❤️ #bookstoowninprint
2/3 - The New Annotates H.P. lovecraft is another book to own in print. This book is CHUNKY! Full of history and background to go along side the stories that have helped define American horror and influence countless other writers. #bookstoowninprint #hplovecraft
1/3 - I love books in any format. Print, audio, or ebook. I generally am not bias. However some books are best in print and this is one of them. It‘s fantasy, mythology and fictional biography all in one. Very intriguing! #bookstoowninprint