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My plan was to reread the novellas and then finally read the novel… and I‘m happy to announce that I have finished my reread. This audiobook has a different narrator but he was very enjoyable to listen to - so I was only disappointed momentarily. Absolutely loved visiting again.

julesG I just saw that there's an episode of Levar Burton Reads with 7d
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, oh nice! I just read that one yesterday, I love a goodreads review with a link to where you can read short stories online. 6d
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julesG Also on Apple and Audible 😉 6d
julesG The Angel was a Tor.com short story a few years back. I often read the short stories when I have to wait somewhere unexpectedly and don't have my kindle with me. The Levar Burton find was unexpected. 6d
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Thanks for the link - I don‘t know LeVar very well (that time he guest started as himself on Community was my introduction) but this is good to have for days when I can‘t decide which audiobook to start. 6d
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This has been on my shelf for years. I have started it twice. Sixty pages in and I don‘t find it interesting at all.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Nebklvr @dabbe 😂Everyone raves about it but I just couldn‘t 2w
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I told myself I should reread the novellas before continuing on with the novel - so finding this available as an audiobook was a step in the right direction! I loved reading this a couple of years back - but listening to it was magical! Love this alternate Egypt that P. Djèli Clark has created.

CoffeeK8 I loved this book so much! 4w
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I thought it was a bit clunky & that it was just okay.

Book 14 for #wyrdandwonder
Book 1 for my Summer Reading Challenge

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This is basically a long short story. I'm interested enough to read other books by the author but the story itself was just ok.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Shubeik Lubeik | Deena Mohamed
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I feel like I'm the last person to know about this graphic novel, but just in case you are: it's FANTASTIC. It is set in an alternate Cairo where 'wishes' are real, come in bottles, and are subject to heavy government regulation (with all that that entails). The book tells the story of three particular vintage wishes at a man's kiosk, and the three people's stories those wishes become entangled in. I don't want to say too much more. Read it.

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Shubeik Lubeik | Deena Mohamed
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I'm part way through this excellent graphic novel in which "wishes" are sold on the market and regulated by governments. Here's an info box between chapters.

Shubeik Lubeik | Deena Mohamed
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"My sister's grandson is a graphic designer" ???

Lovely #graphicnovel set in modern alternate Cairo, in which wishes are real and are sold in a regulated market.

Shubeik Lubeik | Deena Mohamed
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#LuckyInLove Day 17: This is my #BookCrush that I did not get to buy and take home with me from the Emirates Literature Festival two weeks ago.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great cover 🖤 4mo
Eggs Perfect 👌🏼👌🏼 4mo
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Shubeik Lubeik | Deena Mohamed
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Book 8 of my spotlight on fave graphic fic for #12booksof2023 is Mohamed's “Shubeik Lubeik.“ At a kiosk in Cairo 3 wishes are sold to strangers who are in vastly different life circumstances, but are each at a crossroads in life: one is dealing with depression, another is dealing with life after the loss of a loved one & the third is trying to maintain their religious principals. The artwork in this is fantastic, but it does not overshadow (cont)

vivastory the narratives, especially that of Nour's struggles with mental health issues. But don't just take my word for it, here is what Thi Bui (author of the incredible The Best We Could Do) said, ““An astonishing first book by an immensely talented young artist and writer. The settings and stories cover decades of a history that is fantastical but feels familiar. Every page moves boldly with action and energy, even as the characters wrestle with (cont) 6mo
vivastory internal and deeply moral conflicts. Deena Mohamed is one to watch.”
Andrew65 Looks interesting. 6mo
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