This is currently packed up somewhere but I have several of my mom‘s old books that she gave to me including this one. I also have a bunch from my childhood including Goosebumps and Box Car Kids. #childhoodbook #24in48
This is currently packed up somewhere but I have several of my mom‘s old books that she gave to me including this one. I also have a bunch from my childhood including Goosebumps and Box Car Kids. #childhoodbook #24in48
I don‘t have this book with me since I‘m at the cabin for the weekend, but THIS was my favorite book as a kid! I still have it and I can‘t even begin to guess how many times I‘ve read it. I remember getting it used from some kind of sale and I hope someday when I have a baby I can share it with them. ❤️ #childhoodbook #24in48 @24in48
This traditional literature book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar written by Eric Carle, won the American Institute of Graphic Arts award and it would be a fantastic book to CR. This book follows the life of a caterpillar as he eats his way out until he is big enough to form into a cocoon and into a beautiful butterfly. It teaches students how to count the days of the week and how many fruits he ate on that particular day.