Big Words for Little People by Jamie Lee Curtis a RF book. Great book for RA . Love the illustrations. Great way for student to learn new vocabulary words. After reading I would add more vocabulary words.
Big Words for Little People by Jamie Lee Curtis a RF book. Great book for RA . Love the illustrations. Great way for student to learn new vocabulary words. After reading I would add more vocabulary words.
Sounder by William H. Armstrong a Newbery Medal Award Book.Sounder a NF story about an African-American family in the 19th century who had very little food. The father was a sharecropper, goes hunting for food for his family with Sounder , their dog . One day he stole a hog. He gets arrested and the mean sheriff shoots at Sounder. Sounder was no where to be found. The mom used to tell the children Sounder will return as soon as he is better.
Zathura by Chris Van Allsburg , a SF book. The story of two brothers , Danny and Walter , did not get along well. While playing , rough outside Danny found a box of a game named Jumanji.They started playing the game and suddenly , the house moved, and suddenly they where out in space. They go back and move a space in the board , that said earth. Then Walter losses his gravity. Every time they move the dice something different happens.
Bridge to Terabithia a Winner of The NewBery Medal. A great novel for LC. A novel about a fifth grade boy name Jesse , he seems to be a shy kid in school . He makes friend called Leslie .They create an imaginary world, which they love to go and play . At the end something bad happens , and Jesse learns how much he learned from Leslie.(sad)
Little Robot by Ben Hatke a FF an Eisner-winning graphic novel. Great novel, most of the book is wordless . Is about a little girl who stays home from school. While she goes out to play she finds a robot. They become friends.Other robots come for him, they get in a conflict. She ends up fixing them. In the end she stays with her friendly robot.
Two Bobbies by Kirby Larson,B book. True story about two animals who were left homeless after the storm Katrina. They went to a temporary shelter and they could not be separated . The volunteer observed and found out the cat was blind. Another reason why Bobbie the dog ,stood close to him .Finally after their story was televised, they were adopted.Bobbie the dog took great care of his friend Bob the cat ,throughout the Hurricane Katrina and after.
A Big Guy Took My Ball by Mo Willems a AF, winner of Theodor Seuss Geisel Medals.A great book for DR. It is about a piggy called Piggie ,who‘s ball was taken by a big guy.His friend Gerald the elephant tries to help, but when he goes to get ball is a big whale.In the end the whale was nice and brings back the ball he found.The piggie and the whale felt that cause of their size,no one would play with them.They all end up friends and play together.
A Chair For My Mother by Vera B. Williams, a RF Caldecott Honor Book. Love this story . A young girl whose mom works hard as a waitress . The young girl , with her mom and grandmother save for a new comfortable chair for her mom. They lost everything in a previous fire.When they got a new place ,the neighbors help by giving furniture and bringing pizza .At the end the jar is filled, and they buy a pretty and comfortable chair for her mom.
Ronald Dahl/ The BFG MF Book. A story of a girl who lived in an orphanage, name Sophie. One night she could not sleep, and was taken by a big giant. The giant was a friendly giant who used to blow good dreams to children at night through their window. The giant was not suppose to be seen by a child if not he had to take them. Sophie saw him and she was taken, however she went to his cave, and turned out to be fun.
Diary of a Spider by Doreen Cronin a F Book. The book is a diary written by a spider. The diary starts with a day at school. His diary seems similar to a person life . He has sleeps over with worms (Very funny).He also mentions his grandpa several time in the story . Very creative book. I would read as S, then the class will collaborate groups and do a “fact- fiction “recording sheet.
Knuffle Bunny by Mo Williams A Caldecott Honor book. This RF book really made me laugh. Is about a toddler called Trixie, they go to the laundromat. Going home she realize she lost her bunny. She yells , goes out of control. They finally find the bunny inside the washer. The book‘s illustrations where mostly photographs of the places , which it made it more descriptive. Great book for k-3 to Kindergarten.
What Grandma Do Best Flip book by Laura Numeroff. I love this AF book, since I am a grandma😊. The book is a flip book , one side is about the grandma and the other about the grandpa. The grandparents are represented by different animal illustrations, that for sure the children will love. Through out the book the grandparents play and do different activities with the grandkids for example painting,going to the beach , flying a kite .
Mars needs Moms! A SF book .This book is about a young boy name Milo , that at times he don‘t like his mom. He fall at sleep and dream that a space ship landed. The martians where looking for mom, since they are motherless. Milo watch how they took his mom. Milo goes after his mom , he looses his helmet and started fainting. His mom recues him . His mom faints then the martians take them back home. I‘m the end of the story they are back home.
The Relative Came an HF book , a Caldecott Award Winning book. Great story of a family from Virginia who drives with an old station wagon to visit their relatives. Fun story how the spend their time helping fix things and and just having fun.Great book to lead discussion about their own vacation.
The Snowy Day a RF Caldecott Award Book. A great story about a boy name Peter.It was a snowy day, and Peter went out to play with snow. The book had great illustrations and was very descriptive has he played. After play he makes a snowball and put in his pocket. He checks before going to bed, but the snow ball was not there. He went to bed sad, however when he wakes up, there is still snow and he goes play again. Great adventure book .
Malala Yousafzai the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.A B book. Great summary of a courageous young girl who fought to protect women‘s right to education in Pakistan. A very inspiring NF story , amazing how young she was and had a desire to make a difference even though she lived in such a violent country. She did not give up in what she believed even as she faced many danger.
Wonder, by R.J. Palacio a #1 New York Bestseller a RF book. I loved it. A novel of a boy named August, who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome,which left his face disfigured. His parents and sister were awesome .He was homeschooled,then his parents decide for him to attend school,5th grade.They wanted him to experience the world out from his home.His principal introduced him to a couple of students, and they retell how they met August .
Swimmy by Leo Lionni a Caldecott Award Winning F book.A story about a little black fish in a school of red fish.He gets scared but he meets new friends.The fish confront danger of a big fish, they join together and form a big red fish , Swimmy was the eye. They came together and scared the big fish away .Great book to teach diversity and build class community. Teaching strategy will be DR and after students will create a fish, any size or color.
Reading wonder, and enjoying it. Just wanted to share this small part where Jack is expressing what he feels about August.lt is amusing, first ,he says he likes to hang out with him , but then he said is August‘s fault.Similar to upper elementary level students daily topics.🤓
Great RF book. Grace for President by Kelly Dipucchio .Love the illustrations , it really capture school life. A girl for president was cool also Grace had her doubts but in the end she won the votes. Awesome book , it can be used in different subject areas. #UCFLAE3414SuB18
Great inspiration NF biography book. A great way to introduce students to some Great women of our American History.March is National Women‘s History month, this will be a great book to read to the class . For classroom activity , we will do a “Alphabet Organizer”. For every letter of the alphabet the class will add a historical name or any category previously chosen. It will be interesting to see if all the letters will be filled.
You Read to Me,I‘ll Read to You by Mary Ann Hoberman a New York Times Bestseller. A F book , great book with a variety of fun poems. Is a book that can be integrated with different instructional strategies .Choral reading will be a fun strategy .After reading the class will be introduce to acrostic poems, which they can do using their names .
When Sophie Gets Angry-Really,Really Angry..by Molly Bang A Caldecott Honor Contemporary Fiction book. Excellent book for lower elementary students , to help them reflect on their emotions. The author did great conveying angry emotions through every page with the descriptive illustrations. The story is about a young girl name Sophie.
One Plastic Bag by Isatou Ceesay and The Recycling Women of The Cambia an Eureka Honor Award for 2015 in the Nonfiction Children‘s Category . A book of solutions, a young girl name Isatou starts picking up plastic bags that were tossed with garbage . She cleaned them up and made purses .A terrific book to teach our children the importance of recycling.A inspiring and motivating story for students, their ideas can be a great impact in our world,
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn , a New York Times #1 Best Seller, fantasy fiction book. Love this book, a raccoon is starting kindergarten and is scared of being away from his mother. His mom kisses his hand and tells him when he is lonely to press on it and think about how she loves him. Lesson plan will be guided reading. Starting with a picture walk and introducing vocabulary .
Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry a Newbery Award winning Historical Fiction novel. This novel is about a boy called Mafutu who lost his mom at the sea, and learned to conquer his fears. Excellent to teach overcoming obstacles and fears. Great activity “ I used my own words”.
Great book for a kindergarten class. Fun illustrations, and very descriptive. Awesome book to have for math.