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I must say that yes this book for sure makes me #sentimental . These books remind me so much of my childhood and my early love of books! #childhoodreading #februaryfeels #reallyrandomfebruary

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The Velveteen Rabbit | Margery Williams
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I love any opportunity that allows me to talk about the books that meant so much to me as a kid so I could not resist doing the Childhood Book Tag on BookTube: https://youtu.be/60RTI6TBaYg

#booktube #childrenbooks #childhoodreading #favoritebooksasakid #childhoodmemories #booknostalgia #reading #happymemories

EadieB @Butterflyamore - I grew up in the 50's so I really don't remember my parents reading to us. There were 4 kids in my family and I am the 3rd. I had 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister. My dad was a very big reader and he took me to the main branch of the Philadelphia library weekly. He was a big mystery reader and he used to shop at thrift stores in center city Philly and he would bring me home books. I remember reading Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, 5y
EadieB Judy Bolton etc. Beverly Cleary was famous then too. But I did most of my reading on my own. My daughters are probably around your age. Oldest just turned 44 and my younger daughter is 37. My husband and I used to read to them. A sesame street book about the monster stealing the jelly beans was my oldest daughter's favorite because my husband would change his voice and speak like a monster. They read a lot of Judy Blume, Charlotte's Web, Ramona. 5y
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EadieB My oldest daughter is a big reader today but my younger daughter loves to read but has no time as she has 3 small children and she is a veterinarian. She reads to her kids all the time. Her 6 year old is reading a few years ahead. My oldest daughter has an autistic 12 year old and she reads vey well also. She loves to read the names of the stores in the shopping centers in Charlottesville and can tell you what shopping center you need to go to. 5y
EadieB My favorite genre today is still mystery and was influenced by my father buying me mystery books. I like Historical Mystery, Fiction, Memoirs and Biographies and also True Crime. I don't like dog-earring and I do find myself mouthing words which slows done my reading so I try to stop myself from doing that. My oldest daughter when she was 2 was able to tell you the name of the stores from their logos. My husband said I took her shopping too much. 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB That‘s really interesting that you daughter is a veterinarian. I dreamed of being a vet as a kid but my allergies and asthma prohibited me from pursuing it. It‘s probably all for best because I don‘t even know how vets handle it emotionally. Although my parents were readers, too, I don‘t really remember them reading to us, with the exception of my dad reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve every year. I was fortunate to have 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB all of the books and records and records with stories before school and then lots of teachers who read to the class! I did grow to love mysteries pretty early on but I can‘t remember what I read before the age of 12. I do remember Christoper Pike and Lois Duncan being favorites just as I was entering my teen years. I still love a good mystery! Yes, I am close in age to your daughters! Just a year younger than your oldest! 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Oh, and I am also from a family of 4 kids. But it was all girls and I am the youngest! 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore My daughter came home the first time she had to put a cat to sleep and she was crying all night. She said it was so sad. I was really worried if she would continue but she just cries along with the owners. Her fellow vets came to her house to help her put her dog to sleep a few years ago and they all cried together. She put our cat to sleep on our dining room table and took it to work to freeze until it could be cremated. 5y
abookishbutterfly @EadieB Just reading this made me teary eyed. When the vet told me Elliot needed to be put to sleep back in September, I could see her angst. Her authentic compassion really meant a lot to me. 5y
EadieB @Butterflyamore Some vets are not as caring but where my daughter works they are adding on to the building as they are getting on average 100 new patients a month. She just went to Florida for a course in acupuncture. (edited) 5y
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Day 19 of #riotgrams these are my #favoriteschoolreads
Where the Sidewalk Ends-elementary school
Midsummer Night‘s Dream-high school
This is Your Brain on Music-undergrad
@bookriot #childhoodreading #glorytotheguild