Since there is a Canada Day 🇨🇦 vibe here today, I feel like sharing my last two #coupdecoeur ❤️ from Quebec-Canadian authors. Stories both gravitate around Montreal and a little abroad.
Safe Canada Day 🇨🇦
Since there is a Canada Day 🇨🇦 vibe here today, I feel like sharing my last two #coupdecoeur ❤️ from Quebec-Canadian authors. Stories both gravitate around Montreal and a little abroad.
Safe Canada Day 🇨🇦
🖤 Respect of conventions, sense of maternal duty, marital affection, hurting those we love avoidance, protection of judgment for those who remain, violence to oneself, denial of another destiny.
❤️ Unexpected, attraction, curiosity, attention, sensitivity, sharing, sparks, vibrations, giving in, connection, bond, passion, selfdiscovery, protection and tending of a secret garden.