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Clare-Dragonfly This is so sad!!! The vicar is too cruel ☹️ 9mo
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly the rules were so barbaric back then, he was just a little baby, surely it couldn‘t matter either way! 9mo
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Bookwormjillk So sad 9mo
Bluebird 🥺 9mo
peaKnit I literally just ran across my copy of this, I read it in highschool and it made an impact. 9mo
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead still like that here in certain churches 😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️ 9mo
TheBookHippie It‘s so so cruel. I remember they used this as a scare tactic to us 😵‍💫😵‍💫 it‘s just so so sad. 9mo
Cuilin Ok this was depressing, Sorrow ful 😢 ugh Alec has a lot to answer for. 9mo
julieclair This is just so sad. And @TheBookHippie , it‘s hard to imagine that still, in our lifetime, some churches would be acting this way. I hate the thought that the church tried to scare you. 😢Churches are supposed to be a place where you can feel loved, welcomed and valued. So disappointing that some of them can get so far off track. 9mo
currentlyreadinginCO Sorrow is a perfect name for all of this! 9mo
TheBookHippie @julieclair It‘s pretty much how it is in Protestant and Catholic Churches here. There‘s a very nice Unitarian and a Presbyterian one. I was raised multifaith and definitely didn‘t pick that for a choice. My father sent me an apology when I turned 30 for sending me to parochial school-🤣😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️. It is what it is. 9mo
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Waking up in uk to horrific news of the shooting at a primary school 19 babies and 2 teachers ; How can an 18year be allowed to walk into a store and purchase guns ! How can this be allowed to happen ! Surely it‘s time for a gun lobby now in the USA 🇺🇸 Enough is enough 56 senators won‘t vote on jt who refuse to do anything about it because their own desire for power is more important than the safety of citizens #heartbreaking those poorfamilies

What Storm, What Thunder | Myriam J. A. Chancy
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Librarybelle Beautiful walk! 2y
AmyG Lovely! 2y
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BarbaraBB Gorgeous pic! 2y
arubabookwoman Is that Tel Aviv? My son and d-i-l are there now visiting her family. 2y
Cathythoughts Another lovely walking spot 💫 2y
Cinfhen I live about 20 minutes away from TA @arubabookwoman / I hope they‘re having a wonderful time ♥️Thanks friends, it‘s the pathway that leads to my building @Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB @AmyG @Librarybelle 2y
BarbaraBB Not bad at all 😍😍 2y
britt_brooke Pretty! 2y
Centique Very pretty walkway 😍 2y
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Homegoing: A novel | Yaa Gyasi
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...she is in awe of him, for he is the most beautiful man that she has ever seen, with skin so dark and creamy that looking at it could very well be the same thing as tasting it.

#currentlyreading #bookblurbs #fiction #novels #goodbooks #digitalreads #heartbreaking #Africanvoices #diversereads

Homegoing: A novel | Yaa Gyasi
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Ness's skin was no longer skin really, more like the ghost of her past made seeable, physical. She didn't mind the reminder.

#currentlyreading #fiction #novels #diversereads #digitalreads #Africanvoices #goodbooks #heartbreaking #bookblurbs

Homegoing: A novel | Yaa Gyasi
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...she would always miss the gray rock of her mother's heart. She would always associate real love with a hardness of spirit.

#currentlyreading #goodbooks #bookblurbs #fiction #novels #unputdownable #diversereads #Africanvoices #heartbreaking

They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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I have no clue why I thought it would be a good idea to read this book. But I did. It is haunting and beautiful and sad and hopeful and just wrong that this was even able to be written. Brief synopsis, a young woman is released from the Nazi concentration camps and starts traveling to find her young brother. I don‘t know how people read these books regularly.

#wwii #nazi #jewish #heartbreaking #knittingwhilereading #audiobook

BlueMoonJ And by people I mean you @MothAndMoons and anyone else. 3y
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Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Such an interesting quote! 4y
bibliobliss @Josee.a.lu.lit.et.lira Yes!! 4y
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#qpoc #blacklove #youngadultfiction #heartbreaking This is the type of book I wish was written when I was a teen. The relationship between Mable and Audre was so real. The relationships and family dynamics were real. This story is about friendship, lost, love and family. I highly recommend this book 📚 📖.

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