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What a fantastic, frustrating read! I expect to revisit this in the future. It also dovetailed nicely with other recent reads, especially The Feminine Mystique, The Math of Life and Death, and Recollections of my Nonexistence. I‘ve been sharing tidbits with my mom and now she‘s interested in it, too. Highly recommended.

TheBookHippie Well, I need to read it then! 5d
Bookwormjillk I really liked this one too 5d
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I listened to this but I will be buying a physical copy. This book made me move between two emotions. Rage and despair. How is it that it‘s 2024 and we still have such inequality for women. Half the population! This fight is so exhausting! More men reading books like this would be a start! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bookbuyingaddict @Rissreads Iv had this on my TBR for yonks after listening to an interview with the author, I think at the moment it would upset me too much. Just last week hate speech was made a crime in Scotland but controversially misogyny was not included as a hate crime. As you can imagine there has been a lot of discussion and debate about that !! 3mo
Rissreads @Bookbuyingaddict I feel like we are just banging our heads on a wall and going around and around the same circle. 3mo
bookandbedandtea I read about a third of this and was so demoralized I put it aside. I've been thinking that I'm about ready to dip back into it though. 3mo
Bookwomble @Bookbuyingaddict The arguments about not including misogyny as hate speech seem to come down to it being so prevalent and culturally embedded that it would overwhelm the courts if it was made a crime, and "the Wokerati won't let you say anything these days". 2mo
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If you are a woman, this book will confirm that you are not delusional in your perception of the world being phallocentric.

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I made a #BookTree once & decided I am way too lazy for it. It‘s putting the books away that sucks! Anyway, last year my holiday cards & postcards from Zazzle featured book stacks & book trees. 🤷🏻‍♀️📚🎄

I picked the tagged book for its title but it looks so interesting I may need to add it to my TBR! 🌳

Eggs This is lovely🌲📚🎄 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I thought the same thing!! 7mo
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I didn't quite finish my second nonfiction book this month so this one won by default but it probably would have won anyway. Great, informative read.

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Interesting & frustrating how the world is designed for men. The author explains how the male default bias affects women by not giving them effective products/services & can also cause harm. Everything from city planning to product design suffers from a lack of data pertaining to women. The gender data gap will take years to overcome, if decision makers even choose to address the problem. And the best way to start is by including women in planning

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage That‘s so discouraging 😣 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I just recently saw a story about this issue in AI, specifically using a lot of white men in training it, making the outcomes biased. 🫣 7mo
peanutnine @Riveted_Reader_Melissa yup, this book was written a few years ago but it still had a section on the issues in algorithms and technology because of gender biased data. I can imagine it's even worse now with the new AI mess 7mo
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Wow! Perez does an incredible job of driving the point home about how all around difficult, not to mention unfair, and even dangerous it is to be a woman in our world. Medicines were created based on male physiology, crash dummies are the size of male drivers, and MEN ARE ALWAYS PAID MORE EVERYWHERE. This book is informative, infuriating and vital for humans to read. A thoroughly researched book which I will recommend widely! #NonfictionNovember

Suet624 I stacked this on my TBR but haven't gotten to it. Thanks for the reminder. 8mo
Singout Excellent! So many valuable lessons to be learned here. 8mo
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#TeamCreepinItReal we‘re approaching the end of #Scarathlon 2023 which means I need your final totals! Please let me know by end of this week. It‘s been a blast seeing your posts and being your team lead! Hope to see you in this year‘s #WinterGames!

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There is so much that I haven‘t tallied yet, but this is what I have so far. I‘ll catch the rest at the end of the month #scarathlon2023 #scarathlon #mischiefandmayhem

PuddleJumper Awesome! Well done! 9mo
Clwojick Fantastic job! WAY TO GO! ☠ 9mo
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