Almost a blackout for the month! I blame the cold weather for allowing me to hole up at home with a book many days. Not sure spring is ever coming here 😏. Maybe this week we may see some 60 degree days.
Almost a blackout for the month! I blame the cold weather for allowing me to hole up at home with a book many days. Not sure spring is ever coming here 😏. Maybe this week we may see some 60 degree days.
Managed to get a couple of hours in for #20in4 finishing my #Ethiopia #FoodAndLit read
I loved this. It reads like a fairytale that is based in African folklore. Kind of weird and dreamy in style so it won‘t be for everyone.
Forbidden love, magic, religious fervour and rebellion, war, sacrifice and revenge. This book has a bit of everything! The folklore included was intriguing, and the historical information at the end really wrapped it up!
This book is so weird with the mixing of folklore into a historical fantasy, and I love it!
But I just stumbled across this seemingly benign quote and it tickled me.
“A small army of volunteers was dispatched in search of an Englishman - it was thought one might be roaming the region renaming rivers and mountains.”
#FoodAndLit #Ethiopia
I am so excited to read this for #FoodAndLit #Ethiopia
Aside from the beautiful cover (and my equally beautiful bookmark from Christmas!) it promises a mix of history (and castes), African folklore, and forbidden romance!
I have just finished part 1 and it is so good! There is a lot to take in, but it is setting the scene for the two main characters, and I can‘t wait to see how it progresses 😍
Sometimes the author lost me in the minutiae of names and dolphin activities but overall an intriguing deeper dive into the universally loved dolphin.
Fun fact: the author is married to nature writer Bernd Heinrich (and live in VT).
Read it all the way through and it actually works that way...and works best that way. (Previously I would flip through to the roads where we were driving.) With all that kind of boring stuff around me in Houston, it‘s cool to learn that Texas, the confluence of the Rocky and Ouachita Mountains, is a surprisingly fascinating geological place. (pictures are mine)
Been traveling enough around Texas that I‘ve actually scanned through a whole lot of this book. I admit I‘ve been continually surprised how interesting the state geology is. Anyway, I think it‘s time to actually read it cover to cover. The picture is from Palo Duro Canyon, where my family spent last weekend.
#MagicalMay Mountains