It's always exciting when the notification for a Libby hold pops up but even more so on Read an Ebook day! @OverDrive #ebooklove
It's always exciting when the notification for a Libby hold pops up but even more so on Read an Ebook day! @OverDrive #ebooklove
Happy #readanebookday #ebooklove Actually that‘s every day for me
Happy Read an Ebook Day! I‘m setting up now. I‘m just waiting for my water to get hot so I can steep some Chai in the teapot. I‘m going to grab my blanket since it‘s dark and raining outside. Perfect day two lose myself in a book. If only for a couple of hours! #readanebookday #ebooklove
Happy READ AN EBOOK Day! #eBookLove
I'm practical. I enjoy paper books, audio books & ebooks depending on the situation.
Happy Read an Ebook Day! That's every day for me, though. I use my tablet for indoor and nighttime reading, and my old, but trusty, Kindle Keyboard for outdoor reading. #ebooklove @OverDrive
Observing Overdrive Library's #ebooklove theme day with master storyteller Stephen King.
Did you know today is read an EBOOK DAY?
I received an e-mail from OVERDRIVE indicating this.
Photo is courtesy of OVERDRIVE.
https://readanebookday.com/ for more information.
OverDriveLibs on Twitter is celebrating read an ebook day. My ebook for today is Blink. 😊