"Even before the election, Grace made good on her promises"
"Even before the election, Grace made good on her promises"
I really enjoyed that this book could teach students more about the presidential election in a more kid friendly way
Throughout this book Grace's teacher informs the class that there has never been a female president! She decides to run for the class president and has some tough competition!
Recounting is a thing. You can challenge anything you want. The question is do you know when to stop? President Gerald Ford could‘ve fought for recounts in close states, but he didn‘t want to be the president who had the electoral college but not the popular vote. #themanwhoranwashington #geraldford #jamesbaker #susanglasser #elections #uspolitics #ushistory #history #politicalscience #electoralcollege #popularvote #recount
“Grace for President” by Kelly DiPucchio and illustrated by LeUyen Pham
This timely story centers around Grace who is inspired to become the first female US President. It follows her on her journey to become class president. Along with diverse representation, the book centers around the process of the electoral college. This would be an excellent shared reading to accompany Social Studies election content.
RF. SR. #ucflae3414sp21
Something in this stack must be able to take me away from the crippling anxiety I have tonight.
#110320 #electionday #electoralcollege #bidenharris #nevertrump