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I watched the film a few weeks ago and today I listened to the audiobook. Priscilla, now 80, narrates this memoir that was published in 1986. The film closely aligns with the book, which is rare. They met when she was 14, he was 24. It seems unthinkable to let your 14 yo daughter date a 24 yo man, (even if it was Elvis), especially in 1958. I learned a lot…

@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Fantastic! 3mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🤗😀 3mo
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I recently watched the Priscilla film; it was amazing with great acting and all my favorite tunes from the 50s and 60s. At top right is the real wedding pic, bottom is the film. Connolly‘s bio of Elvis is comprehensive and well-written.


@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Awesome!! 3mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🤗🥰 3mo
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Elvis and me | Priscilla Beaulieu Presley, Sandra Harmon
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I honestly didn‘t know a whole lot about Elvis before I read this and I thought it was really interesting to hear Priscilla‘s perspective about his life and their relationship. Lots of really interesting stories and I learned a lot about the king of rock.

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We‘re coming down the home stretch for the January #newyearnewbooks photo challenge! Time flies!

Meanwhile, happy birthday to my spouse, my favorite Elvis fan! #dream

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy birthday to your spouse 🎊🎉🎈 5mo
Eggs We love having you! Happy Birthday to Mr Wonderful 🎊🎈 5mo
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Elvis and me | Priscilla Beaulieu Presley, Sandra Harmon
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My parents were fans of Elvis my entire life. I mean, my name is Lisa Marie, though I've been told that's not why.
I saw the film Priscilla a couple of weeks ago and then realized that I'd had this book hanging around for a while. The movie is a very close adaptation of the sentiments in this book. Very interesting to hear (and see) Priscilla's version of their life together. #59-2023

Untitled | Unknown
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This was done with pure elegance 💕🎼💝. Hopefully this becomes a yearly Holiday special ☺️👍. WOW! Spectacular!!!!


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Elvis and me | Priscilla Beaulieu Presley, Sandra Harmon
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I had always been curious how this relationship started & continued considering the age gap/logistical distance once Elvis left Germany. I am still in shock that Priscilla's mother & stepfather went to such great lengths to facilitate this inappropriate relationship for such an extended period of time. She attempts to make it seem like they had rules. It will be interesting to see how this looks on film.

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A wonderful book inspired by a letter the author received from the daughter of a Polio survivor who lived in an iron lung. I listened to the author-read audiobook, which was excellent.

#AutumnPlease #WorldPolioDay #Scarathlon #TreamMischiefAndMayhem

Faranae Oh! That's amazing. My dad contracted polio as a child during the last epidemic of it in Montreal. I know he couldn't walk for a long time and he doesn't like to talk about being in the hospital, except about getting to swim in a pool at the Shriner's hospital (the only charity he donates to). It made him a world class swimmer (as in, as a teen, he was a pacer for potential Olympic competitors, not being competitive himself). 8mo
willaful That's some fascinating family history! 8mo
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Always wanted to learn more about Elvis. This seems like a good book to do that with.

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This is a difficult book to rate. There's no ignoring (nor should we) the fact that Priscilla was 14 when they met, & only 16 when they started living together - it was wrong, she was underage, & far too young for him. It gave me the ick every time he referred to her as “Little Girl“, I mean, she basically was. Plus he gave her sleeping pills so she could keep up with his 'party late/sleep late' lifestyle & attend school! (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf This is Priscilla's book & I'm rating & reviewing it on that. She paints the picture of a relationship & eventual marriage to a man who had everything a person could dream of with fame & fortune, but who was, at heart, deeply unhappy. He seemed controlling & emotionally manipulative of his inner circle, yet the other side of him spoiled those around him with gifts & wanted everyone to be content. 1y
OutsmartYourShelf Priscilla admits that she spent too much of her young life consumed with being who Elvis wanted her to be rather than being herself. It was good to see her finally admit that things weren't working & they were both unhappy & have the strength to move on & live her own life.

I didn't give this the full 5 stars as I feel the author skipped over things quite quickly & spends a lot time excusing Elvis for some of the things he did.
OutsmartYourShelf It was an interesting read but an uncomfortable one as you are aware of her young age whilst all this is going on. I have some other books about Elvis on my TBR so it will be interesting to compare those to this one, once I get around to reading them. 4.5🌟 1y
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Cinfhen Did you see the film that came out last year directed by Baz Luhrmann??? It was FANTASTIC 1y
Cinfhen I bought this audio a few days before the death of Lisa Marie/ Priscilla has definitely had her share of tragedy 😣 1y
OutsmartYourShelf @Cinfhen No, I haven't been able to watch any tv or films for a year due to a ear problem. I hope to get to see it at some point. 1y
Cinfhen Ugh, that sounds terrible @OutsmartYourShelf I hope you‘re able to catch up on all the missed films/shows soon!!!!! I definitely recommend when you‘re feeling better 😊 1y
OutsmartYourShelf @Cinfhen Thanks, me too! 😀 1y
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