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I almost forgot about this! As per usual, Nancy risks bodily harm to investigate a mystery that magically falls in her lap. Our plucky girl detective won‘t be deterred from her quest by anything! I enjoyed this more than I expected, but I wish we‘d had a little more Bess and George. Ned does get a bit more time on page, but now I have to look up 1930s/1960s football rules. Were QBs also kickers back then? 🤔 #nancydrewbr #enquiringminds

BarkingMadRead Yeah that seemed really odd to me as well! I‘m sure there‘s no rule against it, but wouldn‘t the QB want that break when the kicker comes into play? It just seemed like a lot to me! 4mo
Librarybelle Hmmm…I‘m not sure! Being both the QB and the kicker seems off. 4mo
DGRachel @BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle Apparently, it‘s not against the rules and there are a handful of well known (in their time, at least) QBs who doubled as the kicker. It‘s just not super common. #themoreyouknow (edited) 4mo
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I'm dying to know the April #botm s , so if anyone has some inside info, please share in a spoiler tag #enquiringminds #excited

emilyhaldi Lol, was going to tag @Reviewsbylola but then realized you already did! 😂 8y
Cinfhen Let the sleuthing begin... @Reviewsbylola 💕 8y
Reviewsbylola Trust me, I've been checking non stop but it seems like everything is under lock and key! Even the new IG source has been super quiet. The anticipation is killing me! @Cinfhen @emilyhaldi @Booksandcooks 8y
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Cinfhen 😂 😂I know I've been stalking JennyD pretty hard 😬NOTHING @Reviewsbylola 8y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola Damn!! Guess we'll just have to be plebes! Only a day and a half! 8y
Mistydawn Me too!! 8y
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