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I don't understand the point of story. So what if people want to buy clothes and stuff anytime throughout a year instead of just festivals? She criticizes her friends for going away on holidays during Diwali to escape the holiday stress and then complains about people staying indoors. What is she trying to convey? #goodolddays ? All the short stories that I've read in this book seem very preachy to me. The author seems to thinks she's always right

ju.ca.no That sounds annoying! 4y
olivia.ferz @ju.ca.no It is. Though I'm only on the 7th story and there's about 43 more to go, so hopefully it'll become better 4y
ju.ca.no @olivia.ferz fingers crossed!!🙏🏼 4y
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Becoming | Michelle Obama
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I decided to use my 2012 Inauguration invitation as my bookmark tonight. Going to the Inaugural Ball was one of the most memorable nights of my life! #GoodOldDays

Butterfinger Oh my goodness. How indescribably awesome!! 6y
DivineDiana Amazing! 6y
JenReadsAlot That's amazing! 6y
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IamIamIam That's so cool!!!! 6y
Kaye What did you wear ! Did they have CAKE ? Was it big like a wedding cake ? Did you get to see any other famous people ? Who sat beside you ? I‘m nosy. If the Queen was there and sat with you, I‘ll be downright jealous. 6y
alisiakae @kaye I wore a blue dress, of course! It was slightly longer in the back, which was a big mistake, as it kept getting stepped on! It was FREEZING, and the closest we could get dropped off due to security was 1 mile away. The food was just party snacks., not exciting, but the entertainment was amazing! All the famous people were probably off in some VIP area. No dinner tables, it was basically a big party room, with 3 different stages. 6y
alisiakae @kaye And watching the Obama‘s dance was so, so cool. 6y
kspenmoll What a wonderful experience!!!! 6y
Lauram What a wonderful memory!! 6y
Kaye That‘s a memory to keep forever that most folks never have the opportunity for ! Exciting. 6y
UwannaPublishme How cool is that! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Aussie4paws Awesome 6y
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1. Originally from Detroit, Living in Tallahassee
2. Eoin Dempsey
3. 296 books on my Goodreads To-Read list
4. Easy chair by the fireplace
5. The Witch Elm by Tana French

#littenintro @tessavi

tessavi Thank you for posting 🦔 6y
suvata @tessavi Anytime 6y
Wife I didn‘t know that you were a #mittenlitten ! I‘m from the East side. Where did you grow up? High school? 6y
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suvata @Wife Grew up by Southfield and 6 Mile Rd. Went to Benedictine High School on Southfield and Outer Drive. #GoodOldDays 6y
Wife I grew up at Warren & Dickerson (by Chandler Park). Went to Cass Tech near downtown. 6y
suvata @Wife I know exactly where that is. And, Cass Tech was a great school. 6y
Wife 😊 6y
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