Had a slow start with this one, but I think reading it in the sun today was just the kind of vibe I needed to get really caught up! #halfwaythrough
Had a slow start with this one, but I think reading it in the sun today was just the kind of vibe I needed to get really caught up! #halfwaythrough
Books were safer than people anyways.
#rainydaysin #couchreads #halfwaythrough #unexpectedgoodread #neilgaiman #theoceanattheendofthelane #readingglasses #bibliophile
Well enough learning and using my brain for today. Homework is done for the first week. Time for a laugh while my sick hubby lounges and the kids do their own thing.
#timetolaugh #wereallgoingtogetsick #halfwaythrough #readingchallenge
Enjoying his writing hugely... but have to put this on hold as my book club read arrived! #multiread #halfwaythrough
I read all the HP books back when they came out and loved them. About 7 years ago I started reading them out loud to my daughter, and eventually my son too. Both are now old enough to read them on their own, but tradition reigns and we are FINALLY reading the last book together, taking turns reading aloud. I forbid watching the movies until the book is read, so we are all excited to finally watch the last 2 movies as well!! #halfwaythrough