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Oops. At this point in the story Lucy is in Chicago. There are no In-N-Outs anywhere in the Midwest. It's not the first time I've seen a mistake with American vernacular/geography/etc in a book by a British author. Maybe there's a market for a Brit-to-U.S. proofreader? Sign me up! The book is a fun read so far.... #netgalley

TrishB I also think that the other way round 😁 we could get a business up and running. My one in US books is when Queen/King of England is used (title doesn‘t exist) and when English/England is used interchangeably with British/Britain - not the same thing at all. 12mo
Bookgirl @TrishB oh yes those are bad - I'm aware and I'm American so it makes you wonder about the editor....Usually it's vernacular stuff that I see...same book as my OP an American just said "let's go back to ours." Nope, nobody says that, at least not in the Midwest. Distinctly British (or maybe only English?) expression. We should start a business for sure! ???????? 12mo
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I really liked the "prequel" to this, #thekindworthkilling but this one seemed to not quite hold together for me. You do need to have read the first book for full depth of understanding all the characters. It's another play on #strangersonatrain and interesting but I just couldn't really get into it. #klaus #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy

kspenmoll Pretty kitty! 13mo
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Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo
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Hello Littens! I‘ve gotten away from posting here and also haven‘t been reading much other than ARCs. Finally got to the library and got a stack from my TBR list, yay! I confess I did watch Shadow and Bone on Netflix (Ben Barnes 🥰🤩🤤) before reading the book, so I‘m thinking I‘ll tackle that one first. Any rave reviews for anything else in this stack? Which is the best Halloween season read??? 🎃👻💀 Thanks! #lookingforrecommendations

Alpena County Library | Alpena, MI (Library)
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Just a cute little free library in Alpena, Michigan, a cute and quiet beach town way up at the top of the lower peninsula. #puremichigan #sunriseside #lakehuron

Kappadeemom How creative ❤️ 2y
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Piranesi | Susanna Clarke
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Got this book from the library as I love dark academia and it was on one of those “best of” lists for that genre. An interesting choice for that list but I can clearly see why it was included. This is a unique story and one that initially will leave you asking “what the heck am I reading.” However, it quickly begins revealing itself, bit by bit. A fascinating read. Worth your time if you like fantasy and, yes, dark academia. #puremichigan

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I liked it. A lot. I‘m a dark academia fan and have made it a point to read books in this genre. Somehow just got around to this one and I‘m glad I did. The story centers on 7 theater students at a fine arts college who exclusively study and perform Shakespeare. Of course there‘s a murder and mysteries. Definitely has Secret History vibes. I liked it better, but I don‘t love SH despite my love of dark academia. Loved the end twist.

LiteraryinLawrence Nice! Do you consider this one dark academia? 2y
Bookgirl @LiteraryinLawrence Yes! It‘s pretty high on my to read list. Have you read it? 2y
CherMoreBooks I‘ve heard great things about this one! 2y
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Whoa. Did not see that coming. I read this in about 2 hours. Couldn‘t put it down. I‘m seeing some negative reviews were confused by the book. I didn‘t find it confusing at all. It‘s a mystery, yes, and suspenseful, but I liked the eerie “what the heck is happening” vibe. It kept me guessing right up until the reveal, which was powerful and clear. Great read!

Megabooks This was fantastic! 2y
BarbaraBB What @Megabooks says! 2y
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Miss Jaster's Garden | N M Bodecker
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When you find and buy a beloved childhood book with beautiful illustrations. 💕💕💕💕💕

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There‘s some good stuff here….great ideas and concepts. A more skilled writer was needed though, as this ends up being confusing and clumsy in execution. Maybe it just needed a better editor. #netgalley

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I liked this. Interesting mystery about a missing husband, and how his wife deals with her teenage stepdaughter in his absence. It did feel a bit unrealistic, but I liked the writing and the story. Definitely kept my interest. #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #loki

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Magic Hour: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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This was a great story about a feral child and the small town she suddenly appears in. It was a little slow at times and both of the sisters, the main characters, are somewhat annoying initially. But, they both grow and become better versions of themselves (police chief and child psychologist) as they try to understand who the little girl is, what happened to her, and help her re-enter the human world. Well done!

Camino Island | John Grisham
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Okay, this is a weird book. It‘s written in an odd, stilted, very straightforward fashion of simply relating a sequence of events. Almost as if it‘s a true crime story. There‘s zero character development, no nice prose; it‘s almost reporting. The story is silly, but I liked reading it despite all of this. It‘s set mainly on an island and revolves around a bookseller, writers, stolen manuscripts, rare books. It was fun, if flawed and odd.

marleed Haha - it was unusual for a Grisham but a fun nod to his locale. I actually liked the follow up book better. 2y
Bookgirl @marleed nice! I didn‘t know there is a sequel, thanks! 2y
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Mexican Gothic | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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This was great. Title says it all…gothic horror story set in Mexico in the 1950s. Well written, creepy, great setting and atmosphere.

Asthecroweflies I‘ve reread this so many times! It‘s one of my favorites! 2y
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Reading Goals: Extended Readers for Basic Reading | Glenn McCracken, Charles Child Walcutt
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I did it! I‘ve averaged reading 57 books for the Goodreads reading challenge for the last 6 years. One year I read 68 books - my highest until now. In 2020 I only read 39 books 🥴🥴By far my lowest. I aimed high for 2021 and I passed it!

Prior to GR reading challenges, I can see that I rarely even got to 50 books in a year. As my kids have grown, and one now lives away at college, there is more time for my favorite hobby📚💕🥰

Cortg Great job! I made a higher than usual goal that I won‘t make but I‘m A-OK with that! I‘m glad you‘re finding more reading time! 2y
Jas16 🙌🏽 2y
Aims42 Congrats!! 🥳🤩 I didn‘t reach my goal in 2020 either, too much going on 🥴😵‍💫😷 2y
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You Love Me: A You Novel | Caroline Kepnes
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I started skim-reading this about a third of the way in. Near the end I got more interested, but then the actual ending was bad. I liked You, didn‘t really like Hidden Bodies, and found Joe just creepy and disturbing in this one. I mean, he‘s always been creepy and disturbing, but somehow likable in You. Here, he‘s just a sad sociopath who needs mental help. And the story is completely unbelievable. No more for me!

Hide | Kiersten White
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“Whatever happens next, he‘s going to help whoever needs it…If all the world is hell and evil is all around them, what else can they do but try to help each other?”

Lovely quote and thought for my Christmas Day reading! 🎄🎄🎅🏼🎅🏼

Cheers and happy holidays! 😍😍

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy holidays 💚❤️🎄 2y
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The European School | Nathan Field (Novelist)

Like all in the trilogy, I‘m somewhere between a pick and so-so with the final book. Overall, the trilogy has interesting concepts and twists. It stretches believability and leaves certain questions unanswered, which is frustrating. But, I did like parts. Overall we have mind control, secret societies, bloodlines, violence, revenge. If any of that is your bag, give the trilogy a try.

Ancestral | Nathan Field (Novelist)

2nd in The Many trilogy. Super graphic violence. Dawn and Karl continue to search for answers and seek revenge. Dawn continues to appear to have borderline personality disorder and Karl continues to tiptoe around her. Some answers and interesting plot twists happen. Some completely implausible events occur. The author is clearly British as British vernacular keeps randomly popping up despite the story being set in America with American characters.

The Many | Nathan Field
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Between a pick and so-so. I read the entire trilogy and will review all. This first book starts out rough. It‘s just gross and uncomfortable and I considered bailing. I stayed with it and grew interested in the story. Karl and Dawn are brought together by their shared grief over loved ones‘ horrific online dating experiences. Karl is fine but Dawn is hard to root for. Some answers are given but they just lead to more questions. #catsoflitsy

kamoorephoto I love the happy kitty belly 😻 3y
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A very fun, could not put it down mystery about a very strange family and the fallout from their unusual and dangerous existence. POVs from different characters adds to the intrigue. I literally laughed out loud at the final line. An intriguing psychological mystery. Not a whole lot of character development but that‘s not what this story is about…it‘s about the twists and turns of a shocking tale of family drama. Pick!

A Court of Silver Flames | Sarah J. Maas
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Excellent doorstop of a book. Nesta gets her story told. Like many, I hesitated about the focus on such an awful person, BUT her story is a good one. Also, the connection between her and Cassian is hot - the “romance” is dialed up & now billed as adult fantasy. I loved the training, the Valkyries, the magical house, the friendships. There is an overall plot but this is really a character study. Nothing can ever compare to my love for Rhys though!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome review! Beautiful cover! 3y
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This is a short story companion to the Cruel Prince trilogy. It‘s a sweet story…very young, fairy tale-like in essence. We learn a bit more about what makes Cardan who he is and Jude makes an appearance also. It really feels like a middle grade or even younger story with the help of illustrations that reminded me of the famous Garth Williams. It‘s cute.

The Queen of Nothing | Holly Black
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Stayed up half the night reading this and came down with a cold the next day 🤧🤧Was it worth it? Hmm. I definitely didn‘t want to stop reading, but Jude continues to be a bit clueless. She‘s badass with a sword though and Cardan has some nice development. A fun series. If you‘re looking for a Feyre/Rhys type of romance, you will be disappointed. The romance is very much a side plot. I still feel there could be more world building. But a pick!

Bookgirl #klaus “helping” with Xmas decorations 3y
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The Wicked King | Holly Black
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When you have work you have to get done before Thanksgiving, but instead spend the afternoon reading the second book in a series. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️Jude continues to be a good character but she is also, at times, extremely dense. The ending of the book took me by surprise and packed a nice punch. On to the third book…oh and back to work 🤣 Meanwhile, #Lucy is ready for reading and snuggles. #petsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #readingbuddies

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 3y
TheDaysGoBy Your kitty! 😻 Gorgeous coloring! 3y
Nutmegnc What a beautiful baby!! 3y
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The Cruel Prince | Holly Black
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Finally read this after so long of reading all the hype about the series. I did like it and found I liked it more the farther I got in the story. Jude is a character worth rooting for. I felt there were some parts of the story that were rushed/muddled and the world building was only okay. But, I went right to the library and grabbed the next 2 books so that really says it all. So far not my favorite YA fantasy, but we will see!

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The Dead Zone | Stephen King
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Baffled. I read a lot of Stephen King when I was growing up but never got around to this one. Read it recently for a book club and could not believe how boring it was. Not at all clear on the success of this one. King is a great writer but yuck. I really love his short stories and novellas best. Plus The Dark Tower. I should go back and reread that one but oh there‘s so many books, so little time! #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #klaus

guinsgirlreads I‘m just scrolling through and I thought that was my cat! 😂❤️😍 (edited) 3y
BkClubCare The movie was pretty good. But I saw it when it came out; it‘s been awhile. 3y
Bookgirl @guinsgirlreads aww Maine coon? I checked your profile to see if you had cat pics. My daughter is in Alpha Sigma Tau 💚 3y
Bookgirl @BkClubCare I tried the movie from the 80s or maybe 99s? Idk but I didn‘t like that either. This just isn‘t a story that spoke to me 🤷🏼‍♀️☺️ 3y
guinsgirlreads @Bookgirl Awww the cat‘s on there somewhere.. 😚 She resembles one but I‘m not sure if she actually is. Good for your daughter! Yay! 💛💚 3y
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She Never Left | CM Harris
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Liked a lot of this. Cousins and partners (writer/agent and muse) return to their hometown for a reunion/to uncover a story. Their childhood is explored…there is almost a sci-fi aspect to the story, and lots of creepy vibes. We have psychedelics, a creepy patch of woods, a missing girl, & other mysteries. Some of the ending didn‘t quite work, and there are credibility issues. But, I enjoyed the overall vibe and odd plot points. #catsoflitsy #xmas

kspenmoll Reindeer & kitty!!! 3y
Bookgirl @kspenmoll the stinker was sitting under it but of course moved once I went to take a pic 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ 3y
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My Heart Is a Chainsaw | Stephen Graham Jones
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My second arc from this author and I‘m officially a fan. This is graphic horror, but so much more. A coming of age story, a psychological drama, a reflection on treatment of Native Americans, and a love letter to slasher films. All of that and an ending that will leave you breathless and heartbroken. It‘s not an easy read but worth the effort. So much to peel back here. Meanwhile, Klaus fell asleep nose in the blanket. #netgalley #catsoflitsy

wanderinglynn So much floofy cuteness! ❤️🐱 3y
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Pearl | Josh Malerman
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I loved Pearl. #netgalley gave me an ARC and I devoured it. Pearl is a telepathic, intelligent, and malevolent pig who terrorizes a small farming community. It‘s in your face gruesomeness with zero attempt to explain how this is possible…you just jump on this wild ride and hang on. I thought it was pretty brilliant. Not for those bothered by gore and graphic horror. #firstsnow #alreadymelted

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The Children on the Hill | Jennifer McMahon
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Yikes I‘m realizing I‘m way behind on posting reviews. I got an ARC of this one from #netgalley and really enjoyed it. I typically like this author but at times her books are super out in left field and start to lose coherence. This one is excellent. Good characters, interesting premise, nice twist.

Suet624 I recently discovered she lives an hour from me. 3y
TheLudicReader She has always been hit or miss for me. I loved Promise Not to Tell, but then a read a couple more that I just really didn‘t like (Dismantled and The Winter People) and then one that was pretty good (Island of Lost Girls). So frustrating. 3y
Bookgirl @TheLudicReader give this one a try when it comes out. It‘s more tightly written than some of her others 3y
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Bookgirl @TheLudicReader although I agree Dismantled is the book I like the least, The Winter People is one of my favorites 🤣 So take my view on this one for what it‘s worth! 3y
Bookgirl @Suet624 that‘s fun! 3y
TheLudicReader @Bookgirl have you read Promise Not to Tell? 3y
Bookgirl @TheLudicReader I had to go back and look…yes! I liked it. The Night Sister was good also 3y
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The Heron's Cry | Ann Cleeves
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Gah. I loved the first Detective Venn book so was looking forward to reading this one. I just couldn‘t ever get excited about it. Matthew felt like a minor character with the main focus on other detectives. That said, I feel very distracted lately so this may be a case of “it‘s not you. It‘s me.” I‘m not sure??? I‘ll still read the next book in the series. In other news, first Michigan snow of the year! #imnotready

MidnightBookGirl Love this picture so much! 3y
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Hello Littens! My book club has decided we want to read a Fifty Shades type book, but hoping for a bit more plot. 😉 Or, maybe something along the lines of Verity by Colleen Hoover. Something fun and entertaining. Suggestions, please??? Thank you!!! The picture is just for fun. 🥰#petsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

Megabooks Cuties! 🤩 Not sure about a book. 3y
vlwelser Sylvia Day writes books that are like 50 Shades but not Twilight fanfic. This seems to be her most popular. 3y
BethM So like romance or erotica or bdsm? 3y
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Bookgirl @vlwelser That‘s a good suggestion; it‘s just that I‘ve read it 🤣 3y
Bookgirl @BethM Yes any of that really…something that will give a middle aged ladies book club an entertaining convo 😉😉 3y
BethM Let me peruse my have read list. @Jas16 what do you have to offer? 3y
Bookgirl @BethM Awesome, thank you so much!!! I usually read horror and fantasy so I didn‘t have many ideas…this is great! 3y
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The Weekend Escape | Rakie Bennett
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I was enjoying this #netgalley ARC right up until the totally abrupt and random ending. It was bad enough that it made the whole book a so-so bordering on a pan. Disappointing. The pic is from the University of Toledo - a surprisingly beautiful campus!!!

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A perfect case for sticking with a slow book. Told in first person voice, I was having trouble connecting with Leigh. A recluse who shuns human contact, she wasn‘t a super interesting or sympathetic character. Is she going crazy? Is she being haunted? I was a bit bored, and then about a third of the way in I was enthralled by a turn and stayed riveted to the end. By the end, I really liked Leigh and was emotionally invested. Worth the slow start!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💜💜 3y
C.M.Jones_Artist So good!!! Couldn‘t put it down. 2y
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This was another very entertaining read by this author, and I loved the perspective it brings. It‘s nice when fiction provides more than just entertainment…but seamlessly allows a minority voice to be heard. Plus, it‘s just a fun book!!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love Evelyn 💚💚💚 3y
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Blew through this ARC from NetGalley. It was intriguing and there are multiple mysteries to untangle. I didn‘t see most of the plot twists. The characters are interesting…not always totally likable but flawed in ways that make them seem real. That said, the characters needed more development, and the minor cop development was pointless. I enjoyed it overall. I truly enjoyed reading from our new hot tub! Will enjoy it during MI fall and winter 🥰

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The Institute | Stephen King
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I liked the story here - truly horrifying as King is so good at. Some of it is well written…he‘s great at capturing minutiae and making it interesting. However, the unrealistic, old fashioned, and downright corny at times dialogue by modern teenagers was just too hard to get past. Ultimately, the characters didn‘t feel real and I couldn‘t get very invested in them.

The Institute | Stephen King
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I‘m mostly enjoying this but the dialogue is driving me nuts. I have teenagers. I‘m around many of them much of the time. They don‘t say: “Jeepers!” “Put an egg in your shoe and beat it.” “Since Hector was a pup.” Actually, I know no one of any age who talks like this. Also, nobody beyond Gen X would have any idea who Kreskin is. He needs a younger editor. The old fashioned language is distracting me from an interesting story.

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I finished this book awhile ago and cannot decide its rating. It started out bad. Unbelievable premise, a ridiculous main character, and frustrating plot. I was not enjoying it. But…he did turn it around and came up with some VERY wild plot twists that did resolve some of my frustration with character motivation. Not my fave of his but ultimately better than it started. This picture is our splurge - patio hot tub! Can‘t wait to use it this fall!

Jeannineth That last chapter was such a surprise. I had to absorb that and it definitely made the book a pick for me. I need to be surprised in a thriller. 3y
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I like Riley Sager but this book is annoying me. This quote is the first time I feel like maybe I‘m not wasting my time reading this.
“No one tells women that none of it is their fault. That the blame falls squarely on the awful men who do terrible things and the fucked-up society that raises them, molds them, makes excuses for them. People don‘t want to admit that there are monsters in their midst…and the cycle of violence and blame continues.”

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This is nowhere near the excellence of the author‘s Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and worlds away from the beauty that is Strange the Dreamer duology. But, these three short stories still show Taylor‘s unique style. The first story is my fave, since Goblin Market is my second favorite poem ever written, and this is a loving homage to Rossetti. The illustrations in the book are beautiful. If I wasn‘t already a fan I might be more meh 🤷🏼‍♀️

Bookgirl Actually a pic of the moon rising, not a sunset! 3y
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The Guncle | Steven Rowley
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Extremely heart-warming and laugh out loud funny book. I enjoyed the story even though it‘s actually quite devastatingly sad. It‘s written with a lightness that keeps the dark elements from dragging it down, yet it has depth as well. “GUP” is just a fantastic character, and the city of Palm Springs almost becomes a character as well. Really liked it! #summernights #summerbonfires

Rules for Vanishing | Kate Alice Marshall
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This is a hard book to review. I loved some of the creative aspects to the story and there is some truly creepy supernatural horror here. The characters weren‘t well done though and some plot points were sloppy. I enjoyed reading it, but it‘s ultimately forgettable.

Inspection | Josh Malerman
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A pick for overall story but a pan/so-so rating for execution. I‘m glad I didn‘t read the cover synopsis that reveals a crucial plot point that happens on page 305 of a 383 page book. Terrible jacket copywriting. Anyway, the premise is an institution raising boys without knowledge of women, in hopes of making them even more accomplished. As they reach puberty, things change. Starts very slow, ends with a true horror-story bang, has some plot holes

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I like this book but have a big caveat. If you‘ve read Haig‘s excellent Reasons to Stay Alive, then you only need to read the first third/half of NOANP as the latter half-ish just recaps a lot of Reasons. The first part though, really spoke to me and is pretty insightful. His views on how technology and social media are giving us all anxiety are even more timely today (this was written per-covid era.) Time to unplug. #putdownyourphone

Verity | Colleen Hoover
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Holy suspense!!! This was such fun…a very suspenseful page-turner/sort of erotic thriller/mystery. I had my suspicions about what was really going on but was wrong…or was I? The ending leaves plenty up in the air, which was initially a bit of a let down but the more I think about it the more it feels fitting. Some plot holes. Shallow characters. It‘s all about the suspense with this one. #puremichigan #beachread #houghtonlakemi #summerinmi

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Alice Feeney is really good at creating shocking twists in her stories. I don‘t always love the whole book, but I always enjoy being surprised. In her latest, she does a great job of keeping the reader guessing. A husband and wife go away for the weekend to a remote Airbnb in a last ditch effort to save their marriage. Feeney uses alternating POVs to help move the plot along. Worth the read! Cute little library. #netgalley #lexingtonmichigan

Burntown | Jennifer McMahon
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Oh this author. She always writes with such original ideas for stories and characters. Burntown has some of her most unique characters and a very strange plot, as always. I liked it, but there are definitely parts of this story that make zero sense. A circus, fire eaters, Thomas Edison, brutal murders, a dynamic fat lady/strongman duo, precocious teenagers, possible supernatural events..if any of this is up your alley give it a shot! #summerreads

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Is this a “good” book? Mmm, no I wouldn‘t say it‘s particularly well written, doesn‘t have great characters, and the plot is ludicrous. But…but…I had fun reading it and pretty much devoured it in one fell swoop. Plus, it was odd and unexpected, which I like. Points for originality and readability. I was entertained, even if I did keep thinking I‘m not sure WHY I‘m entertained 😂 It‘s a story about infidelity/revenge/survivorship. #beachreading

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Very good Downton Abbey-type gothic tale of secrets, love, the British class system circa the Victorian era and past WW2, and effects of war on society and people. It‘s well written, but extremely slow for the first 3/4 and then somewhat rushed in the last 1/4. An early novel by Morton and it feels it, but I really enjoyed the experience of reading it. She credits The Remains of the Day as inspiration…at one point it felt a ripoff. Great tale!!

annahenke I love her whole catalog! 3y
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