Nice profile of a cool woman I'd never heard of! Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor, and this book shows how she went from a tough kid to a pioneer in the medical field. #mommyreads #picturebooks #biography #heygirl
Nice profile of a cool woman I'd never heard of! Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor, and this book shows how she went from a tough kid to a pioneer in the medical field. #mommyreads #picturebooks #biography #heygirl
Ahhh, this lived up to the hype! I loved this princess who's turning the damsel in distress trope on its head 😍 also that dragon is adorable 💗 and blacksmiths! It has many of the aspects i like about rat queens but for kids. why oh why does the library only have books 2 and 3?! 😭 #mommyreads #comics #middlegrade #heygirl #ishouldjustbuyit
Discovered this on a list of comics featuring strong female protagonists. Some twisty turny time travel elements and more action heavy than i tend to like. But i do like Dayoung and her crew, past and present. And i especially love how they are drawn and colored 😍 looks like volume 2 comes out this December 📫📦📖 #mommyreads #comics #heygirl
This is a big woohoo! Might there be some hope for our friends on BP? but am I the only one confused by helmet dude's behavior? yet again, super fabulous back matter 😍 I'm excited and terrified about the next, post-election issue 💣 #mommyreads #comics #singleissue #heygirl
Gah, Bitch Planet, I've missed you 💗 Things are kicking up a notch as Meiko's dad comes to town, er, planet. Also, new info on Kam, her fam, and other off-world inmates. That non-compliant obi fell straight from my wheelhouse 😍 #mommyreads #comics #singleissue #heygirl
Rainy Monday fuel with all the ladies 👊⚡🎸👭☕ and now I can't get the Josie and the Pussycats theme outta my head 🎶 #mommyreads #comics #heygirl #booksandcoffee
All. The. Yes. 😍 West says so many things I wish I could articulate about being a woman, struggles and victories with body image, the power balance of comedy, and ugh trolls. Full disclosure: I had to skim the dying dad bits because I don't think I can ever with that. Overall, though: all the stars. #mommyreads #ebook #heygirl