Unico libro di Baricco che non mi ha fatto impazzire. Completamente differente dal suo soluto stile, forse avevo io dele aspettative differenti
Unico libro di Baricco che non mi ha fatto impazzire. Completamente differente dal suo soluto stile, forse avevo io dele aspettative differenti
Recent acquisitions:
📖 Country: A Novel by Michael Hughes
📖 Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (I collect editions of Tess and this is my 30th)
#fREADom #UniteAgainstBookBans
I like the Odyssey more than the Iliad. So maybe that‘s part of this, but the author is more trope then man. He tells you that he brings the Iliad with him when he travels and it never fails to move him to tears. I‘m picturing him on Southwest Airlines between a overtired toddler and their parent assuring them “It‘s okay! It‘s just…Achilles!” And sobbing.
For anyone who is at all interested in Homer, this book is an absolute treasure trove. I wish it had been around when I was studying the Iliad and Odyssey thirty years (😳) ago. An unexpected bonus was how lyrically AN writes about sailing and the sea. Just gorgeous. It briefly made me as nostalgic as Odysseus yearning for his Ithaca! 😉
I thoroughly enjoyed this simplified but faithful retelling. With its beautifully poetic prose that's reminiscent of reading a classic translation, but still accessible to the young or casual reader.
This is an adult book I have not heard of before, but it's a trans retelling of Achilles and the Trojan war! 😱 Holy cow doesn't that sounds INCREDIBLE?! I couldn't resist!
Mmm….. not inspired. How about you?
I‘m back into HOUSE OF ILLUSIONS after a long stretch away. Now I remember why Past Me didn‘t like it as much as HOUSE OF DREAMS: the final segment from Thu‘s POV doesn‘t land as well as the earlier bits where we hear from everyone else. Still, I‘ve enjoyed it overall and I‘m on track to finish it today.