THIS IS MY BAT SIGNAL. Although the "small" stipulation is a bit of a trick. She picked the tagged book, it's not exactly small but she really likes Shusterman's writing. #litervention
THIS IS MY BAT SIGNAL. Although the "small" stipulation is a bit of a trick. She picked the tagged book, it's not exactly small but she really likes Shusterman's writing. #litervention
This large gap is where I directed a random Books-A-Million patron (who deemed me a lifesaver)to the giant compiled Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen volume after the sales associate thought they didn‘t have Sabriel in stock when the computer didn‘t pull it up. To be fair, she realized her mistake and recognized the author when he brought it up to the counter. Sometimes bookstore eavesdropping pays off! #litervention
Got this email from my mom, I think I need to create a crash course in YA for this new high school librarian. #litervention #bookmergency