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#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe
Had to jump in for this one (but couldn‘t quite narrow it down to three 😆)
1. Tagged
2. Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan
3. The Disaster Artist: My Life Inside The Room, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell
4. The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
5. Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad

Apparently I really like memoirs 📚

monalyisha I‘ve been intending to read the last two on your list for so long! I even bought # 5 for a friend (who has been dealing with her own traumatic medical mystery for over a year now). 4mo
shortsarahrose @monalyisha of all the ones on the list, those two are the ones I‘ve been most meaning to reread. I really related to Sulieka‘s memoir because we both got sick around the same age (her with cancer, me with Crohn‘s), and been changed by the experience even after getting into remission. We also both relapsed around the same time (I follow her Substack and have been meaning to watch the doc American Symphony with her and her spouse but known I‘ll 😭) 4mo
monalyisha I also subscribed to her substack for a while! I was hoping it would give me the kick I needed to actually write & journal more. Instead, I just guiltily buried the emails in my overfull inbox without even opening them, so I unsubscribed. It seemed really cool, though! 4mo
shortsarahrose @monalyisha yeah, I never actually do the journaling prompts. I just like reading them, though 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
dabbe Even more to explore! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 4mo
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WE DID IT!! After more than a year, and 1,000+ pages, my partner and I finished reading Capital Vol. 1!! We basically took turns reading the entire thing out loud line by line. I also kept a notebook that I‘ve updated after each chapter (still need to finish my notes on the Appendix)! It was so much clearer (and funnier!) than I anticipated & I would encourage anyone who wants to read it to not feel daunted. But, definitely read with a buddy 🤓

batsy I read it alongside David Harvey's lectures (which should still be up on YT!) and yes, it was extremely rewarding. And aside from the yards of linen bits, Marx's style is very literary. 10mo
breadnroses Yes! We used Harvey‘s book to assist us some of the early chapters. We‘re thinking of reading the Grundrisse next 🤓 @batsy 10mo
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“The capitalist himself does not know in most cases how much variable capital he employs in his business. We have already seen . . ., and we shall now see further, that the only distinction within his capital that impresses itself on the capitalist as fundamental is the distinction between fixed and circulating capital.”


Marx and Engels‘s historical analysis is breathtakingly, brilliantly simple. I think it‘s wrong but, again, you‘ve just got to admire its genius. Obviously, without understanding the historical basis of Marx‘s thought you can‘t understand anything else in Marxism.

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“We see here again how a variation in constant capital has the same effect on the rate of profit, irrespective of whether this variation is brought about by an increase or decrease in the material components of c, or simply by a change in their value.”

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Enjoying an egg and cheese sandwich and a “shakerato” (espresso and sugar shaken over ice) with some Marx before running errands. Officially enough of a regular at this cafe that the owner knows my name ☕️ 📖

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After a long break, finally picking up Marx again. Enjoying a picnic in a local park with the best flowers. Having an egg and cheese sandwich on a cheddar chive biscuit and a rose white mocha. One of the park workers gave me a flower crown!

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“The overall result of our investigation, so far as the question at hand is concerned, is again that it is only the Marxian school that has achieved anything. Fireman and Conrad Schmidt, if they read this third volume, may each be well satisfied with his own work.”

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“I see no more reason to be pessimistic today as to the outcome of that endeavour than Marx was at the time he wrote Capital.”

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“‘This can continue quite happily for a good while, stimulated by prospective demand, and in these branches of industry business proceeds very briskly, as far as both merchants and industrialists are concerned. The crisis occurs as soon as the returns of those merchants who sell far afield (or who have accumulated stocks at home) become so slow and sparse that the banks press for payment for commodities bought, or bills fall due . . .‘”