The next #mommysami read has been chosen. Apparently staying with the Wendy Mass theme. This one will also go to #popsugar18
The next #mommysami read has been chosen. Apparently staying with the Wendy Mass theme. This one will also go to #popsugar18
My daughter and I finished this one. Cute and quick read. Might have been a bit young for her but it has a great message. Plus it‘s Wendy Mass & Rebecca Stead. 👍🏻👍🏻 #mommysami book pic
Almost Friday which is my last day of work before vacation. 😁 This is the latest #mommysami book pic my daughter and I are reading together. 💙💜 Wendy Mass & Rebecca Stead together. What a treat!
Finished the latest #mommysami read. We both loved this one. 💙💜 Her thoughtful comments made me so proud. #raisingreaders
My daughter is meeting the author at her school on Monday. They gave the kids the book so they could read it before they meet her. At 530+ pages it's just some light reading!😜
This just became the next #mommysami buddy read. 💙💜
I love this movie. More than Mary Poppins it's the reason I love Dick VanDyke. I've read this book forever ago.
I heard David Tennant's performance is fabulous (no surprise there) so I took advantage of the #audible sale. My daughter and I are going to listen to this for our next #MommySami buddy read. 💙💜🎧