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The Mysteries of Udolpho | Ann Radcliffe
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Repost for @jenniferw88 :

New game!

Post a picture of the 5 books someone would need to put in a pentogram to summon you with the hashtag #mypentogrambooks and tag me @jenniferw88 in order to win litsy influence (I can't really do shipping costs at the mo, so I will repost some of your posts for a week in order to increase your litsy profile). Ends when I reach 250k (currently at 210k, so a while to go!)

jenniferw88 Thank you! 5y
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Respect the Spindle | Abby Franquemont
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The five books you‘d need for a spell to summon me, as per @jenniferw88 ‘s #mypentogrambooks challenge!

(Include yorkshire tea to be super sure)

jenniferw88 Thank you! You are entered 5y
WildQuibble @jenniferw88 thank you! I love the idea! 😄 5y
jenniferw88 Hi @PlayingBonny Unfortunately I haven't had many entries for this competition, so when I get to 225k I'm going to post a new one! If you like, I can automatically add you to the new competition? 5y
WildQuibble @jenniferw88 sure, no worries. I entered more for the fun idea than a prize 💕 (edited) 5y
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The Mysteries of Udolpho | Ann Radcliffe
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New game!

Post a picture of the 5 books someone would need to put in a pentogram to summon you with the hashtag #mypentogrambooks and tag me @jenniferw88 in order to win litsy influence (I can't really do shipping costs at the mo, so I will repost some of your posts for a week in order to increase your litsy profile). Ends when I reach 250k (currently at 210k, so a while to go!)

@LitsyHappenings can you share please?

Laughterhp Sounds like fun! 5y
BookwormAHN Nice idea 🌟 5y
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