I took a drop single class this past weekend and it inspired me to dig this book out. I got it a few years ago but never read it.
I took a drop single class this past weekend and it inspired me to dig this book out. I got it a few years ago but never read it.
I love making art/doing crafts! I dabble in a bit of everything. One of my main passions is processing and spinning yarn. In the pic is my first drop spindle I got with a beginner‘s kit, my Schlacht carders and a big bag of raw fleece! I have a Navajo spindle as well, it‘s a much longer one that you sit in a chair to use. I‘d like to purchase and learn how to use a distaff and SOMEDAY an actual spinning wheel! 😍
New (probably expensive) hobby.
My first try at drop spinning and I‘m not very even or smooth;but that should come with practice. This is another perfect hobby for audiobooks.
Because I don‘t have enough expensive hobbies...
I think I‘ll try spinning. 🤣
Just ordered this book
I can knit and crochet. I‘m learning embroidery so why not learn to spin.. I bought this one to start and a nicer one spindle for when I‘m better, both came today. Hubby said umm 2 I said yeah your work us as only as good as your tools.
#adventrecommends day 9!
This is one that I really recommend if you‘re interested in learning how to spin. So many other sources seem to consider the spindle to be a ‘learning tool‘, something you‘re just getting by with until you get a wheel, when in reality it was the main form of yarn production for millennia before the wheel came along. I love my spindles, and will quite often reach for them instead of sitting down at my wheel.
The five books you‘d need for a spell to summon me, as per @jenniferw88 ‘s #mypentogrambooks challenge!
(Include yorkshire tea to be super sure)
More #bookmail 😀 picking up a new thing!
#learnsomethingnew #crafts