Had a little dock reading to finish out the day - love me some outdoor time with a book 🌲📚 #readingoutdoors #outdoorreading #naturetherapy
Had a little dock reading to finish out the day - love me some outdoor time with a book 🌲📚 #readingoutdoors #outdoorreading #naturetherapy
Not totally book related, but getting my nature fix this week. And after anchoring the boat by this island and swimming ashore to explore, I did spend several hours lounging in the sun reading, while everyone else fished #heaven #naturefix #naturetherapy 🌳🌲🏕
It may have rained all weekend, but it's sunny now and this is the perfect end to a Tuesday...book, comfy chair, and a fire #naturetherapy #readingoutdoors
Before listening to this audiobook my main knowledge of Wild came from the Gilmore Girls reboot series. So I knew it was supposed to touch me in all those way a good coming of point of crisis memoir should. Like Eat Love Pray for the under 40. Needless to say I loved Wild, I loved Cheryl and her honesty. I loved how I felt like her sometimes and how other times I couldn't understand a thing she did. #adventuring #naturetherapy #quarterlifecrisis
Can't believe this weather! For now it's just me, a good book, and a fire. Won't be this quiet for long though. #invasionofthelittles #5girlswhodontknowhowtosit #naturetherapy
View from my bed this morning. Makes lounging/reading and drinking my coffee really easy to enjoy.
If anyone has great books to read outdoors, feel free to throw the suggestions out there! ❤🌲🍃🌳 #naturefix #naturetherapy #campinglife
Can't begin to express how much I am enjoying my summer so far, practically living out of the trailer and reading this book. Am so thankful that I can so easily and frequently get my nature fix - I wish everyone had the access I am blessed with. #naturefix #naturetherapy #readingoutdoors #sunshineandbooks #vintagecruiser
Finally got my trailer...and have to immediately store it for the winter. Fortunately I have my copy of Travels With Charley to keep me going until I can actually hit the road next spring. #dreamingofescape #naturetherapy #youwinthistimewinter