I‘ve officially climbed out of this pit of emotions this has kept me in the past couple days as I finished. It addressed racism, emotional abuse, grief, sexual assault and so much more. And in such a manageable way which helps the reader to really think about and connect with these characters. Jesper and Inej still remain my favorites!!!
#crushed #emotional #grisha #sixofcrows #nomournernofunerals #destroyed #mpls #twincities
Schnoebs @julesG #15YAnovelnotsuitedforteens #sfftbrchallenge I don‘t event know why I read books anymore when they just crush my soul 6y
Schnoebs @Birdsong28 I‘m using this for the #52booksin52weeks prompt of published the year you graduated school. I graduated with my bachelors in 2016 👍 (edited) 6y
julesG 👍 6y
Birdsong28 @Schnoebs 👍😀📚📖 6y