I really enjoyed this - it‘s a fairly simple mystery where the beauty is in the setting and the telling. A Benedictine monastery in medieval times is a comforting escape at these moment! Cadfael is a wonderful character and an innovative sleuth - he doesn‘t have modern tools or theories and I enjoyed the way Peters uses other things like community and shared beliefs to flush out clues. I have coincidentally read two books in a row set in Wales. ⬇️
Centique Funnily enough ancestry.com also just updated my results to let me know I‘m a third Welsh. More Welsh than anything else so I should read some more books from Wales! 3y
batsy I really enjoyed this and the subsequent Brother Cadfael mysteries I read 💜 I keep meaning to continue 😆 3y
merelybookish Lots of fun Welsh folklore to explore! 3y
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Ruthiella I also really liked this book and meant to continue in the series....but haven‘t yet. So many books, so little time. 3y
LeahBergen I enjoyed this, too (and the following 4 or 5 that I read)! 3y
Centique @batsy @LeahBergen I have so many series that I get 5 books into and no further - something about the number 5 maybe? 😝 with tv series it‘s more like two seasons. I am #notacompletist 3y
Centique @Ruthiella that should be our Litsy anthem! So true. 3y
Centique @merelybookish yes! I will be looking for good books so if you come across anything, do let me know 😘 3y