Speeding through this #timeywhimey action romance. Great characters, authentic time vibes and suspenseful plot. All.working together well. Out in 🇦🇺 in May. #rachaelcraw #nzya
Speeding through this #timeywhimey action romance. Great characters, authentic time vibes and suspenseful plot. All.working together well. Out in 🇦🇺 in May. #rachaelcraw #nzya
#aprilrso2023 #nzya #digitalarc #preview This has an interesting concept. It‘s tells the angry-young-girl story in a different way. Lots of@literary references and diverse characters.
My first read of 2021. It's an exciting post-pandemic (not Covid) thriller. There's #griefandloss #romance #suspense #futuristic very enjoyable. First in a new series. #marchrso2021 #preview #nzya
The yet to be released new novel from Eileen Merriman. #currentlyreading #preview #marchrso2020 #nzya #thriller #mystery #twistsandturns Plus #minaturerose 🌷