I‘m taking a break from “Shakespeare and Trump” because while fascinating, it‘s A Lot, and I know I‘ll make quick work of “Concrete Rose.” 💖 #concreterose #angiethomas #gardenheights #thehateugive #onthecomeup
I‘m taking a break from “Shakespeare and Trump” because while fascinating, it‘s A Lot, and I know I‘ll make quick work of “Concrete Rose.” 💖 #concreterose #angiethomas #gardenheights #thehateugive #onthecomeup
Bri wants to be a famous rapper, not only to help her family out financially, but also because she has a true love for music. She knows that rap music is more than just about rhyming words with catchy hooks, but it's about telling the stories & lives that impact us. Things that happen in inner cities. -It's a really good story about realizing who you are, what you're capable of, & how your past mistakes don't define you or your worth. #onthecomeup
The wait for the audiobook book is over!!! #angiethomas #onthecomeup
Just reading and drinking some sleepy time tea 🍵
#AngieThomas #Onthecomeup
A pick that edges closer to so-so for me; like I said in my Goodreads review, it just...didn‘t grab me like “The Hate U Give,” I didn‘t always attach to Bri (I loved Jayda the whole damned time though), and it wasn‘t until the last twenty pages when I consistently felt Bri. Angie Thomas is wonderful, don‘t get me wrong, but I just...wanted more from her. #onthecomeup #angiethomas
My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas!!! I could read this twice more. #OnTheComeUp is next on my TBR for March!! Woohoo #LittleGirlsRead #TheHateUGive
There‘s something about this one that just isn‘t...I don‘t know, it‘s just not hitting the same chords as “The Hate U Give,” which is a brilliant, beautiful piece that stirs up conversation and discussion, and features amazing characters. So far, this just...I really don‘t know. I‘m going to keep with it, but so far it just doesn‘t have the same heart or something? #onthecomeup #angiethomas
If this is even half as wonderful as “The Hate U Give,” it‘ll be worth it. So ready to dive in; hoping people leave me alone today so I can! #onthecomeup #angiethomas