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Twenty-Seven Minutes | Ashley Tate
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Thank you to #PoisonedPenPress and #NetGalley for providing this #ARC Advance Reading Copy. Expected publication date is January 30, 2024 • 3.5 Stars

Twenty-Seven Minutes is a gripping suspense novel that revolves around the death of a young girl, Phoebe. Her brother, Grant, and his friend, Becca, have been hiding secrets for ten years. ⬇️

suvata Complicating the mystery is June, whose brother, Wyatt, disappeared on the same night as Phoebe. As the anniversary of the tragedy approaches, someone who knows the truth about what truly happened shows up threatening to expose everything.

#Bookstagram #TwentySevenMinutes #AshleyTate
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Jumping Jenny | Anthony Berkeley
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I‘ll get straight to the point. I despise aspects of this book. Yet as it was, for the most part, well written, I don‘t hate it. Berkeley‘s views are unpalatable and fills the narrative with casual insensitivity. While the writing is witty and the plot filled with twists, the story slows to a crawl. Yes it was enjoyable to see Sheringham made the patsy, but not enough to make up for all of the moral ambiguity. #NetGalley #PoisonedPenPress

batsy Oh dear! It had such promise based on the cover, description, and title. 2y
MrsK @batsy I‘ve read much of Berkeley‘s work and he‘s hard to like because of his views. Now when he writes as Francis Iles it‘s different. I love Malice Aforethought! 2y
LeahBergen Darn. I have this waiting on my shelves. 🙁 2y
MrsK Sorry @LeahBergen 😔. 2y
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Death and Croissants is a cozy mystery with a creative premise. An attractive couple, each in a bit of a slump, with charming setting, quirky characters and clever bits of humor. What more could you want? Well, frankly I want a story that leads somewhere. Not something that wanders aimlessly with the sole point of introducing a lot of “quirky” characters. This wasn‘t a bad book, it just did nothing to engage me. #PoisonedPenPress #NetGalley

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This is a book I should have enjoyed. I loved the idea of the book and wanted very much to enjoy it. But, there was very little that I found to like about it. Unfortunately, what could have been a fun take on several Golden Age of Detective Fiction tropes was instead unnecessarily complicated, frustratingly cryptic, and utterly depressing. #NetGalley #PoisonedPenPress

Murder After Christmas | Rupert Latimer
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A gem of a mystery with an intricate plot. Red herrings and misdirection abound. A delightful cast of characters is filled with unusual, eccentric individuals who are quite appealing and highly amusing. with it‘s madcap tone and lively tongue-in-cheek dialogue, there is a decided lightness to the tale which kept me very much engaged and wanting to keep reading. A gem of a read! #NetGalley #PoisonedPenPress

mabell Exactly what I thought too! I‘m looking forward to rereading this Christmas 😊 2y
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A perfect case for sticking with a slow book. Told in first person voice, I was having trouble connecting with Leigh. A recluse who shuns human contact, she wasn‘t a super interesting or sympathetic character. Is she going crazy? Is she being haunted? I was a bit bored, and then about a third of the way in I was enthralled by a turn and stayed riveted to the end. By the end, I really liked Leigh and was emotionally invested. Worth the slow start!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💜💜 3y
C.M.Jones_Artist So good!!! Couldn‘t put it down. 2y
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Bluff | Jane Stanton Hitchcock
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Brilliantly written novel! So so so good! You guys have got to read this! http://quirkybookwormalways.blogspot.com/2018/11/bluff-by-jane-stanton-hitchcock... #poisonedpenpress #netgalley

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