Goodwill book haul from this weekend with their bomb 25% off coupon!😍 #goodwillfinds #goodwillbooks #goodwillisbae #bookhaul #goodwillhaul #goodwillbookhaul #previouslylovedbooks #usedbooks
Goodwill book haul from this weekend with their bomb 25% off coupon!😍 #goodwillfinds #goodwillbooks #goodwillisbae #bookhaul #goodwillhaul #goodwillbookhaul #previouslylovedbooks #usedbooks
Goodwill haul from tonight. I will never not head straight for their book section - I have gotten so many awesome books from there for great prices! #goodwillfinds #bookhaul #previouslylovedbooks #truecrime #history #classics #gimmeallthebooks
Had a job interview today (🤞🏼!) and there was a goodwill right down the road. My haul.😍 #bookhaul #goodwillfinds #booksbooksbooks #previouslylovedbooks #ihopeigetthisjob