Day 22 - #Truth #FlyHighJuly
#TheTruthOfAllThings #KieranShield
I read and enjoyed this book. It is the first book of The Archie Lean series.
Day 22 - #Truth #FlyHighJuly
#TheTruthOfAllThings #KieranShield
I read and enjoyed this book. It is the first book of The Archie Lean series.
Not bad, but Lean, Grey, and Helen were more like ideas of how intriguing characters should be, than actual intriguing characters. Not a bad read, but admit it was hard to stay focused on the crime in a few spots.
Love getting to add old library books to my home collection. It's like adopting a shelter pet, I'm giving this gem a forever home.
Finally, I've decided to start this early, in preparation for teaching The Crucible next semester. This quote SPEAKS to me. I've read Schiff's bio of Cleopatra, and while sometimes a slog, it was an admirable work. She is proving brilliant for this foray into early American history. #moleskinedotted #quotes #moleskine #sharpiepen #thecrucible #salemwitches