Currently teaching this one with AP Lit. It is heart-wrenching and beautiful and chaotic and soothing all at once. The motifs in this novel--my GODS, to have her skill. Silko, you are lovely.
Currently teaching this one with AP Lit. It is heart-wrenching and beautiful and chaotic and soothing all at once. The motifs in this novel--my GODS, to have her skill. Silko, you are lovely.
I LOVE the Serial Reader app!!! I'm killing my "Classics I Shoulda Read By Now" list on Goodreads. ?
📚🔖 Update: a self-adhesive napkin ring thingie because that's all I had. It is absolutely appropriate. John Lewis, you're a hero.
📚🔖 Update: I liked the pun. A used Metrocard a friend gave me after his stint in the Big Apple.
Maybe I just don't LIKE listening to audiobooks mostly. And that's okay.
?? I love this rug bookmark. It's "velvety."
Let's dive into this behemoth.
📖🔖 (Bookmark Update--heheh emojis) This lil gem I picked up at a traveling exhibit of a First Folio in Santa Fe seems appropriate.
Attempting to determine a working phonetic understanding of Chinese so the characters will "stick." I made a pronunciation guide in my journal and attempted to make phonetic guides. I think I'm fucking up some vowel combos.... #chineseishard
BOOKMARK UPDATE: I forgot I had this bookmark :) The first novel references this dress style, whose name now escapes me. It starts with a q. #chineseishard
This is serious HARD sci-fi. I now know what a sophon is though, so there's that. Reading the translator's afterword vindicated my initial thoughts on stylistic issues: this is an Eastern novel with odd rhythm. Nevertheless, it's an intriguing premise, which doesn't really hit its stride until the latter third of the novel. I'll likely read the next because I AM intrigued.
Bookmark Update: random draw from the bin, looking for something sturdy without a damned tassel. For some reason The Eye seems appropriate.
Page 28, and already profound: "To achieve moral awakening required a force outside the human race."
Finally, I've decided to start this early, in preparation for teaching The Crucible next semester. This quote SPEAKS to me. I've read Schiff's bio of Cleopatra, and while sometimes a slog, it was an admirable work. She is proving brilliant for this foray into early American history. #moleskinedotted #quotes #moleskine #sharpiepen #thecrucible #salemwitches
This book is profundity. It took my breath away; it made me ache. I love it.
It's impossible: I'm just a terrible Litsy user when I'm teaching. To add insult to injury, a student took my glasses last week, breaking them and throwing them away. I have corrective lenses for my astigmatism, which lets me get away with NOT wearing readers. I hope to get replacements SOON, but I'm wearing RX sunglasses for the time being.
WHO IS THIS GUY? Steinbeck always astounds.
"It would be absurd if we did not understand both angels and devils, since we invented them."
I went back to school (I teach AP Lit), and I've been remiss in posting.
#I'm on page 70 and LOVE it. Steinbeck ❤️💛❤️
I heard that film rights had been optioned simultaneously to hearing a second in the series had been published. The latter half is certainly better than the first. It took Schwab quite a bit of time with voice frankly.
Do you think DEATH has a black cat? Still researching. (This is Brenna, one of two literate felines in this household. She is my 14YO "baby.")
Shit. I have ONE more trade left. This series should have ended ISSUES ago.
BOOKMARK UPDATE: Duh, flowers. (I *think* a student gave me this one. After the first 50, I truly lost track of my bookmarks.)
Worst. Lit. Teacher. Ever. First time reading this one. Page 2, and I already love it.
BOOKMARK UPDATE: The end of a series deserves my favorite bookmark.
"Religions are, by definition, metaphors, after all..."
BOOKMARK UPDATE: it is time for a re-read. Despite the dozens of books sitting there never before read, I'm going for this one. In time for the show AND because I'm a sight better reader now (one should hope).
"Religion is a very poor scientist." Dr. Rock
BOOKMARK UPDATE: awaiting some stand-up comedy. Continue to use this bookmark for this series. I am almost done with Fables! 😳
BOOKMARK UPDATE: I've been dying to read this ever since NOR re-aired Eig's interview on Fresh Air. The bookmark is self-explanatory (Knock Knock sells them in a pad of 20ish.) Eig was a highly engaging interview. I don't read much NF, but I go big when I do.
BOOKMARK UPDATE: provenance of this bookmark: I used to work for a small museum system, and my colleague found this bookmark in a bunch of estate books. Not fitting in our collection, she gave it to me, knowing I had a healthy collection. Incidentally, a NM resident & STILL haven't been to Taos. 😏
This epic gave me a book hangover--long, tedious, often funny, never hysterical. It definitely READS like someone's first novel. #justsayin
Quixote is slowly killing me. Fizzgig seems to enjoy it however. 565 of 826, there's an end in sight.
Turns out I didn't need the bookmark. Perfect timing in my cat's part, however. I was TRYING to read the Pinocchio short story...
BOOKMARK UPDATE: too lazy to find something better. I need to do some organizing.
Because lit majors can find the universals in ANYTHING. So long as it's GOOD.
BOOKMARK UPDATE: continue to use my #HubbleDeepField bookmark for all #Discworld forays. Added #Magners and a #Balvenie12Doublewood for measure.🍺📖🤓
BOOKMARK: just using the same one for the series.
BOOKMARK POST: Eliot is taking a ride on this one, as this is my favorite bookmark I save for when I'm in for serious/epic reading. (Book tagged is not my edition...Litsy could get that right... ISBN #s!!!
BOOKMARK POST: no reason I picked this. I just grabbed the handiest out of the card catalog coffee table. 🤓
Bookmark Post: I chose a Hubble Deep Field image of 1500 galaxies. I wonder if any of them have a flying turtle in them.
All those French names gave my 4 semesters of college French a run for its money. Still, it was fascinating to better understand how the most infamous queen finally lost her head.
This is the third book of my epic journey to read ALL of the Discworld--in whatever order I may get them.