Much more fun to take photos of cats. This one is not especially enthusiastic about the snow. #catsoflitsy
Much more fun to take photos of cats. This one is not especially enthusiastic about the snow. #catsoflitsy
I'd rather be reading a novel, but I suppose work still counts for snowy-day reading.
Loving this hilarious view of Silicon Valley tech culture ( mostly from 2015...). He lives in a SF hacker house and basically goes to every free meet up / tech happy hour possible. I am hoping he has the long game to make a decent point. 🤞🏻
At the beach laughing ...
Silicon Valley living can be super busy. I have to remember to stop and be present. Very excited to read this book. #wilsonrules #siliconvalley
Wow. Cannot wait for everyone to read this book (as long as they have a therapy dog like Otis).
I knew the tech companies' visions could be ugly. I'd seen as much up close. But once again I failed to imagine the full scale of the miseries and cruelties that this new elite class — disarmingly eccentric and infantile at times, infuriatingly smug at others — was prepared to inflict upon the people of the world for the sake of some faux utopia.
Wall Street no doubt rivals Silicon Valley for its sheer gaudy greed, but when it comes to madly grandiose ambition to dominate the universe, the techies have no peer.
Day 30 #satirical #maybookflowers Never thought I'd be taking a photo of these two books at the same time - Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and George Orwell's Animal Farm.