I wanted to create some space in my library and had unused shelf space in my closet, so now I have closet books! I get dressed in here every day, so I find myself perusing what I‘ve shelved. This might be a good way to remind myself of what I have!
I wanted to create some space in my library and had unused shelf space in my closet, so now I have closet books! I get dressed in here every day, so I find myself perusing what I‘ve shelved. This might be a good way to remind myself of what I have!
I did it. I created a physical TBR shelf, and reorganized all my shelves to make this happen. I own 47 unread books. 47!!!!!! I am not allowed to buy more physical books before I make space on the shelf by READING. #tbr #books #shelving #canthelpit #possessiondamnyou #triedtoreadyousomanytimes #myeyeswerebiggerthanmy...eyes?