I can‘t begin to say how amazing this book is! It is so positive, so uplifting! SYA is a great org. We have to have these conversations! #abortionishealthcare #noregrets #noshame #shoutyourabortion
@Come-read-with-me you will love this book!
I can‘t begin to say how amazing this book is! It is so positive, so uplifting! SYA is a great org. We have to have these conversations! #abortionishealthcare #noregrets #noshame #shoutyourabortion
@Come-read-with-me you will love this book!
When they were locked out of the hearing, they began to tell the truth about their own illegal abortions in front of national television cameras. The power of their action touched other women who had undergone abortions in secret. Telling the truth about illegal abortions was an important tool in radical feminists‘ assault on abortion laws.
I was very relieved that I have managed to get out of this mess. I had no feelings of being guilty or having been a murder, or…I had none of that.
I never thought about it after that. In the beginning, maybe, yes, for a while. But I really never think about it. Especially now—what‘s to think about?
It was a great relief not being pregnant anymore.
I didn‘t feel guilty. I was determined once I made the decision to follow through with it, and I did.
I had another abortion—a legal abortion—in 1976, and I feel absolutely no guilt over that. I was very sure in my decision and very comfortable with it.
#shoutyourabortion! #abortionishealthcare
This book popped on my radar when I saw Lindy‘s interview with Trevor Noah. I had no idea this book existed—to be honest I didn‘t even know about the #shoutyourabortion movement until reading about it in TWAC a few days ago.
It‘s a compilation of stories from people who have had abortions. The message Lindy was conveying through the movement is so powerful and I knew that, especially as a mother of daughters, I had to have this book.
This is a great social commentary for the modern woman. It mainly focuses on fat shaming and rape culture, which are obviously two topics that are very passionate to Lindy. I appreciated that she touched on abortion too, and since she started the #shoutyourabortion movement last year, I wish she would have focused on that a little more.