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Bonus post: a DVD scavenger hunt game. Can't say I've played it.

In a sense, the POTC logos show a version of a #JollyRogers, at least the At Worlds End logo depicts a #SkullAndCrossedBones.

#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife

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No pirates, but there are #skullandcrossedbones !


CrowCAH Wow, surprised you saw the little faded "Poison" symbol; great catch!!! ☠️ 7y
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I thought this cover was an interesting take on the usual #SkullAndCrossedBones. #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife

CrowCAH Too cute! ☠️ Love the pun on the math book. 7y
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No #skullandcrossedbones on my shelves, but I do have a skull and crossed swords on the cover of this goofy book that's still To Be Read about pirates chilling with Charles Darwin. They made a goofy stop-motion animated film about it too I believe. #pirateslife #whatawaytolive

CrowCAH Sounds super interesting; added it to the TBR! Close enough-skull and crossed swords! ☠️ And I'll have to see if I can find the stop motion movie. 7y
CrowCAH @TobeyTheScavengerMonk thanks for the link! Now that I see the characters and the poster, I remember this being advertised, but haven't seen it...yet. 😉 7y
rabbitprincess The Pirates movie is a firm favourite in my household. My BF and I are constantly quoting from it 😄 7y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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This is the first book (about wedding planning and murder and probably zero pirates) that came to mind for #SkullAndCrossedBones. #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife #TBR

CrowCAH I see the little skull and crossed bone above the title, with the flowers; it counts!!! ☠️😊 7y
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On Stranger Tides | Tim Powers
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#PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive #skullandcrossedbones

Back to my tbr list for today's prompt. I really need to read this one soon!

brittanyreads I had no idea this inspired Pirates of the Caribbean (: 7y
CrowCAH I did add this to my TBR, since it did inspire the fourth movie, but not sure how closely it will follow the POTC universe. I heard that the movie is loosely based off of the action, with more focus on Blackbeard, in the book and the movie veers in a different direction, throwing Cpt Jack in the action. 7y
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Dead Deep | Justin Somper
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Read it yeas ago. Nothing special, but a fun, light read anyway


This two books were published for the World Book Day. I bought many of them, but at a certain point, l couldn't find them anymore. Anyone knows whether they're still being published?

CrowCAH As far as I knew the Vampirates books are no longer published, but I know my library still has the series. Great book cover for the challenge today! ☠️ 7y
JazzFeathers @CrowCAH Always a bit sad when l hear about 'lost' series 7y
CrowCAH @JazzFeathers I agree, especially since my library has a used book store and I'm always surprised to see discarded library books in the store. 😢 7y
JazzFeathers @CrowCAH At least they'll have a chance to a new life. I kind of like buying books previously from a library. The stamps l sometime find inside make for a book with a history 😉 7y
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There's no better place than Cannibal Island to spot #SkullAndCrossedBones. "These cages were built after we got here." (See the bone cage on the left, with Will Turner) See the King chair with all the skulls. And poor Cpt Jack asked for a big fire and somehow he ended up over the spit!

#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife

mabell The spit with flames is perfect! 7y
CrowCAH @mabell I know; isn't it adorable?! 😁 and it really rotates! And the bone cage can lower on its chain and be raised. LEGO is so cool by having moving parts!!! 7y
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