A decently satisfying end to this series, although not nearly as strong as the previous book. As always, Nicola Barber‘s reading on the audiobook was excellent.
A decently satisfying end to this series, although not nearly as strong as the previous book. As always, Nicola Barber‘s reading on the audiobook was excellent.
Still enjoying this middle grade series on audio (Nicola Barber‘s narration is 💯). This one had some good growth for our main characters and a lot of high action and drama. A good set up for the final book.
Really enjoyed this collection of short stories set before the first Spirit Animals book. I wish the stories were a bit longer though, especially the last one. I feel like the action was kind of rushed to make it fit a certain work count or something. I would recommend it for fans of the Spirit Animals series but it probably won‘t be as enjoyable if you haven‘t read the main series already.
The best of the series so far! Definitely darker than the previous books. Also felt faster paced with less extraneous battles. And the twist totally surprised me. Sure, some of the book‘s elements felt cribbed from the later Harry Potter books, but honestly that didn‘t bother me.
Still enjoying listening to this series. This one is a little more grown up than the previous ones (romance, grief, trauma), but still appropriate for a middle grade audience. Lots of action, banter that is often funny (including a song about seal brains), and some heartbreaking moments.
5 ⭐️s
A fun middle grade read, I‘ll definitely be continuing with this series. I really enjoyed the different personalities and backgrounds of the four kids. Although it‘s a quick read, Mull packs in plenty of lore and fleshes out the characters nicely. Even the spirit animals feature strong personalities. I‘ll have to see if my nieces and nephews have read these yet, I‘d love to share them with them.
A good mix of magical realism & mystery. I didn't want to put this down & would definitely shelve it as “cozy“. The atmosphere of the woods & small town just hit the spot & I loved the quirky characters. The writing is really good & descriptive. The pace is a little slow & there is a lot of setup, so some readers may get bogged down. An enjoyable tale with a little bit of tension & a small town with a good mix of good & evil. Cozy up & enjoy.
Read the whole series, really enjoyed it and I think the concept of physical #spiritanimals giving people powers is really cool and used well. Don‘t think I would have changed much if I‘d written it myself except I did find it hard to visualise some the places described in the books (maybe I‘m just unimaginative). The only sad thing is that the online game that the books used to promote and I played when I was younger is no longer available.